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[28 May 2012|01:05am]
Zach Roerig, you're wanted by me at [info]scopata. Stop hiding and come play!
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[28 May 2012|09:32am]
I have an idea that for a femme line that is a little out there, it can be aim or google docs, I prefer AIM. IM niciremsey if your curioisity is piqued
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The Flying Dutchman: An AU Panfandom RPG [28 May 2012|12:35pm]
a panfandom au rpg
Welcome to The Flying Dutchman, Davey Jones' locker for all lost souls. At a crucial moment in your character's history, the universe split. Destiny went its merry way and your character got stuck in a time rip on a luxury cruise ship staffed completely by ghosts. The ship's unplottable. The amenities are free. There are others like you, all trying to get home. So you can either enjoy yourself, or waste your unscheduled vacation worrying yourself over a way to get home. The choice is yours.
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[28 May 2012|12:57pm]
since a few of my lines seemed to have died off, is there anyone interested in playing minka kelly, ashley greene, or amber heard in a brainwashing/stepford wives-esque/sex slave line? comments are screened, or you can just hit up my journal. pb or celeb works out for me. i can do aim or threading as well.
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[28 May 2012|01:01pm]
would anyone play rdj in an interracial line at [info]dofc or just a psl? i have a line idea in mind.
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[28 May 2012|01:18pm]
Something for a RDJ PB (as a faux celebrity). Two bare ideas we can build on:

-- Something on the side with his younger assistant.
-- An open relationship between an assistant and their mutual friend (m/f/f). This can be filled between two players, or one player (if they're interested in playing both).

Comments are screened. Only interested in threading/customs.
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[28 May 2012|01:23pm]
psl/custom? something fun and dirty, het or femme
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[28 May 2012|01:24pm]
A bunch of my lines seem to have died off, so I would love to find some more. Ideas are in the journal, but I am willing to brainstorm :)
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[28 May 2012|01:31pm]
Can I get a femme line for her? AIM or threading!
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[28 May 2012|01:35pm]
Hey, [info]scopata I'm bringing this dude back. Anyone still around he might have been friends with or you are all welcome to comment to make new friends.
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[28 May 2012|01:41pm]
celebrity het psls or one nighters for a Jennifer Lawrence? aim or customs, doesn't matter.
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[28 May 2012|02:12pm]
I have a line up on my journal looking to be filled. A non-con, het, threading line. Girl gets kidnapped in order to be the main attraction/prize at a very kinky party. If interested, just tag into the line.
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[28 May 2012|03:18pm]
an active lea michele for a threading psl + spam posts?
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[28 May 2012|03:28pm]
Another request, this one is a het where I can play the girl (I know those are few and far between) PLEASE SOMEONE! niciremsey
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[28 May 2012|04:15pm]
Looking for a specific slash line, open to faces.

I'm looking for a line where I can play a solider coming home after a tour in the Middle East. He has been on multiple tours, not just the one. After coming home, he's struggling to reconnect with his normal friends, to go to work and just have a stable life. He's dealing with multiple psychological problems stemming from his tour and he has no idea what to do or where to go. I'm hoping to find someone to play his long term boyfriend, who has been with him throughout the multiple tours and even before them. Someone who works with him on getting back to 'normal' life, someone who helps him through his night terrors and is just there for him.
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[28 May 2012|06:00pm]
It's the 21st Century, and it's been more than 20 years since the Ghostbusters were established in New York. It's time for a new team of young scientists take over. It's the digital age, and ghosts don't just happen in your apartment or your refrigerator. Ghosts are made of energy and are adapting to this technological age. The Ghostbusters too have to adjust to a suffering economy, an environmentally conscious society, and the collective apathy that denies the existence of the paranormal. But these young scientists carry on to seek the truth, save people from evil, and bust some ghosts!
This is a Ghostbusters PSL. All characters are meant to be new and original, though if anyone is interested in playing characters from the movie that is fine. Despite the supernatural theme, this game is meant to be light-hearted (much like the movie). This game will include the social aspect of being a Ghostbuster and how they interact with the world of the living as well as the departed.

[info]gonnacall | [info]bustinghosts | [info]gbooc
Cast List | Drop Box
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[28 May 2012|06:12pm]
Does anyone still play Benji or Joel (or Josh) Madden and would be interested in a psl against Hilary Duff or Nicole here?
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[28 May 2012|07:01pm]
A few hockey slash lines?
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Pretty please. [28 May 2012|07:07pm]
Still looking for a Dave Karofsky, any takers?
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[28 May 2012|07:12pm]
Would anybody play Sandor Clegane (The Hound) to my Sansa Stark, please?
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[28 May 2012|08:43pm]
[info]pearsonmod! slave/master rpg with a modern twist. currently seeking a step-brother (or sister) for [info]arnauds, kink preferred! other lines needed on the wanted list!
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[28 May 2012|10:29pm]
can i get something for any of the girls in my icons? there's a bit more info in my journal and a screened post as well if you don't want to comment here
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[28 May 2012|10:38pm]
Looking for a Michael Trevino PB for a dark, obsessive, smutty line! I'd love to play out a kidnapping/Stockholm Syndrome line, with my girl playing the aggressor. Or, if possible, a runaway line involving two kids whose parent won't let them be together/wants one of them committed. Any takers?
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[28 May 2012|11:36pm]
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[28 May 2012|11:37pm]
would love a couple of threading psls, maybe a femme line and a jason sudeikis? willing to negotiate!
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