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rated x

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[15 Sep 2009|01:32am]
unlikely, but would anyone want something rough and dirty against a scott michael foster pb? threaded is much preferred, but i could be convinced to do aim.
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[15 Sep 2009|08:28am]
It's incredibly hard to find a role playing a female. I am still looking for a few, check the journal for info.

I have one male role I'd love to pick up, him being a single dad. I'd love it if someone would play his little son/daughter, aged 4.

A new love interest would be possible too. Anyone up for that? Id also love to do a line playing a girl where she is caught up in a weird love triangle between two brothers.
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X-posted [15 Sep 2009|11:40am]
Two characters looking for a home. One is a werewolf (Ryan Reynolds pb), another one is a half vampire (Stoya pb), we're both experienced players, our line started on a Yahoo group but it seems we have problems with our Adult profiles, so we decided to move to Insanejournal. We'd like a nc-17 supernatural group, and since we both work and have a private life, we'd prefer a comm where there isn't a tight update limit and where aim is not a must. We're still both very active anyway and of course we won't be separated. Any takers?
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[15 Sep 2009|04:02pm]
* Bondage * Master/slave * Historical * Mythological * Action-based * Sci-Fi * Age-gaps (adult ages) * Dark Fantasy * Modern Fantasy * Modern 'everyday' (but with a twist somehow) * Vampires * Post Apocolyptic * Horror * Non-Con * Kidnapping * Lycanthropes * Interracial * Mafia / Yakuza * Demons * Mpreg (for those few, brave souls) . . .

Anyone up for any of this?
Let me know!
(Slash or femme-slash only)
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[15 Sep 2009|08:28pm]
Dying for some hot femmeslash tonight, maybe with me playing Selena Gomez. PB or celeb, doesn't matter. Leave me an AIM name, please.
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[ viewing | September 15th, 2009 ]
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