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[08 Aug 2009|01:53am]
[ mood | curious ]

Interested in a futanari-and-female line? Celebrities or originals - it's all good fun!

Also open to more traditionally dark femme stuff.

Not usually available on messenger, but would set up a filtered post to discuss stuff. Prefer lengthy replies (two/three paragraphs), not one-liners, because atmosphere makes everything more erotic, right?

Usual likenesses in introductory post!

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[08 Aug 2009|02:23am]

Judaism and Christianity know her as Lilith, Adam's first wife who left Eden and lay with Asmodeus by the Red Sea where she gave birth to the demons and monsters of the world. When she was beckoned back to Eden by three angels, she refused, and as punishment, she was turned into a demon herself and the angels began to slay one hundred of her children every day she did not return. In her anguish, she proclaimed that she would destroy the sons of Adam, even their mothers in labor, and birth more demonic children to replace those she would lose, for even this fate was preferable to being enslaved by one she knew in her heart should be her equal. Most of her children, the Lilim, aren't aware of who they are exactly, or that she even exists, yet they still often execute her vengeance successfully. They warred with the Sons of Adam in the open for millennia, until their number decreased so drastically that the Lilim had to make the humans believe they had hunted them to extinction so the truth about their existence would fall into myth and legend.

In 2022, the elders of the Vampire species reveal the truth about their existence to humans, and they claim to seek peace with the leaders of Man. They say they wish to ease fears as they openly integrate with human society as fact, not fiction, something they have not attempted in centuries. However, acceptance into the United Nations is the least of their problems; after all, there is dissent among the Vampire people themselves. Some fight for equality, while others fight for superiority. The crime rate among vampire society has skyrocketed almost overnight. The number of active hunters has doubled as well. And amidst the trials humanity and vampires face together as they struggle to see each other with unprejudiced eyes, rulers of other supernatural races begin to fear that they too will soon be exposed because of the parts their peoples have played in Vampire history.

It is a time of great political and social change. Everyone’s future hinges on this era.

[info]darknocturne is a PB supernatural, socio-political RPG taking place in the year 2022, six months after vampires have revealed themselves to humankind. The direct descendants from Adam are predestined slayers who are often the focus of the Lilim's attacks, though they have never been the only humans hunted. The Lilim and the Sons of Adam are mortal enemies, whether they know the history of their bloodlines or not. Warring with each other is in their very life essence. We don't care if you play het, slash, or femme.

Oh, and we also have zombies.



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[08 Aug 2009|02:50am]
Looking for more storylines. AIM lines, please. IM me at "rumsoakedpirates". If i'm away, just leave me a message and I'll get back to you once i return. I can also be reached on my CELL AIM but i'm not always paying attention to it, so once i get to it, i will reply.

I don't do communties, i don't do slash only het. I don't play musicians, only movie actors/actresses that i know. Sorry. I will play a male in a storyline in favor of playing the female in a storyline, make sense? I will play a male for someone who will play a male for me.

Up for anything storyline wise. Fandoms are cool. Supernatural is good to.
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[08 Aug 2009|04:45am]
[ mood | cranky ]

Something smutty for any of the girls in my icons would be amazing. I do some fandoms, including Heroes (playing Nikki/Jessica, or Claire), Dexter (playing Deb), the Office (playing Karen, Pam or Angela), Pushing Daisies (playing Olive or Chuck), and would love some Nolan-verse Batman stuff, I'd love to fill out the rest of that universe, playing Dr. Harleen Quinzel opposite a Joker, Selena Kyle opposite a Bruce Wayne, Pamela Isley opposite a Bruce Wayne, or Helena Bertinelli opposite a Bruce Wayne.

Darker lines are a plus, I do not shy away from darkness in any way. I also dearly love interracial lines, and have a line I could pitch to someone, if you'd be interested in playing multiple characters in one line, with myself playing the contract girls of a porn company modelled on Vivid entertainment.

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[08 Aug 2009|07:31am]
Looking for some playthings, acquaintances and enemies for this demon right here who lives at [info]dpmod. Vampires whose blood he can drink, therianthropes to rough him up, and demons to hate him for being higher up the food chain than they are. A few specific roles/ideas can be found here. The kinky vampire he has a thing for would particularly be nice, or werewolves whose claws he likes to feel on his skin during sex. And I'm open to other dark, kinky ideas. Remember, he's a demon; that means no limits.
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[08 Aug 2009|01:54pm]
[info]darknocturne Asking again at a more reasonable time... Thomas Dekker for a vampires line, please?
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[08 Aug 2009|02:15pm]
anything and everything. leave an sn to get a hold of you. i'm in the mood to play.
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[08 Aug 2009|06:12pm]
check the journal.
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[08 Aug 2009|11:42pm]
Het. A guy to play against either Eliza Dushku, Lacey Chabert, Kate Beckinsale.
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