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rated x

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[23 Feb 2009|08:34am]
I am looking for a few new lines where I could pick up the female role since I mainly have only male roles. Anyone up for that? I am up for anything dark or fun or crazy or smutty or fluffy. Check the journal por favor!
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[23 Feb 2009|03:05pm]
Anyone PB/celeb/AU Travis McCoy that would play against a Katy Perry? I've got a pretty angsty line in mind, though there'll be a balance of fluff too, don't worry. Probably some comedy, as well. And yes, sexytime.
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[23 Feb 2009|07:56pm]
i would really love some slashy, smutty fun against a robert pattinson - with the option to become more if we enjoy the line!
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[23 Feb 2009|10:59pm]
I want to slash something thread or aim ( le dirty secrets ). I play subs or 50/50. Smutty or plot heavy. Short term or long term. PB or Celeb. I mostly play band boys but I will play against anyone.

I'm bored, so hit me up.
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[23 Feb 2009|11:38pm]
Someone willing to play Sippi, the dark haired girl in this video for my Katie for a femme line. I'm willing to help with the journal and icons and everything! And maybe a home somewhere because Sippi isn't 'famous'. It will probably be a very intense line since both those girls are crazy in the best kind of way. I'm more than willing to play someone back for whoever does this for me!
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[ viewing | February 23rd, 2009 ]
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