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rated x

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[08 Feb 2009|12:11am]
anyone interested in playing THESE LINES besides the 5th one seeing as I've already gotten a lot of replies for it.
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[08 Feb 2009|01:15pm]
CALLING ALL FUELED BY RAMEN ROLEPLAYERS. New Ad Community to pimp for and promote FBR celebrities & pbs. [info]fbrads
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[08 Feb 2009|02:42pm]
[ mood | creative ]

I brought this girl into [info]campcrystallake and I would like for some guys to join. One for a line with her, and in general. Anybody, and Everybody is welcome!

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[08 Feb 2009|02:58pm]
Looking for some slash PSLs- all information is in my journal, and I'm up for either smut or actual plots.
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[08 Feb 2009|03:38pm]
would anyone be up for a buffy line? i'd particularly like buffy/xander after the end of season seven, but will consider anything apart from buffy/spike!
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[08 Feb 2009|06:39pm]
Looking for some straight-up smut tonight. Femme, slash or het, it all works for me! I'm on cover in kisses on AIM, which is my preferred method of scening, but I'll do threads too! :)
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[08 Feb 2009|10:29pm]
I've come into quite a bit of free time, especially at night. Check the journal for what I'm all about. If I had a line with you and I died, let me know if you're still interested and we can work something out!
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[08 Feb 2009|10:57pm]
Ok I never had such a line but after watching Fantastic Four again I am aching for a supernatural line. I would die for  a Julian McMahon PB against my Jessica Alba but I am open to suggestions
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[08 Feb 2009|11:45pm]
anyone pb katie cassidy, leigh lezark or emma stone?
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[08 Feb 2009|11:52pm]
Het, Femme, Slash, I don't care. Someone take away the boredom and let me be a slut.

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[ viewing | February 8th, 2009 ]
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