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rated x

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[29 Nov 2008|10:42am]
Looking for some smutty or fluffy or dark or whatever threading for the next couple days. Someone who's around a bit for quicker replies, this is mostly because I'm in an office and stuck at a computer. Pb, het, slash or femme. I'm game for pretty much anything.
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[29 Nov 2008|03:04pm]
can I get a good smutty het line? I'll be around pretty much the rest of the day/night, and it could turn long-term. pb's in my icons.
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older/younger het psl. [29 Nov 2008|07:51pm]
HE is a top lawyer/businessman (up to you) in his late 30's - 40's and could never commit. He's known around the office as the one night stand, love 'em and leave 'em type of guy but because of his charisma, wit and power women are drawn to him. SHE is in her late teens and is a summer intern at the office where he works. She's sweet, innocent, beautiful, and right away HE wants her. She tries to ignore his forward advances at first, but he persists. When she finally gives in she's quick to find out all the dark, kinky things he is into, but to his surprise they don't cause her to go running like most women have in the past. I would play the female. Threading. Could be short or long term depending on how it works out, doesn't have to turn into a romantic relationship unless it seems to go that way. PBs are up for discussion, I'm open to anything. Comments are screened, leave one.
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