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rated x

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[27 Nov 2008|01:57am]
would anyone want something against matt sanders or zacky vengeance? het and pb please, and darker lines are always the best so i'll really do anything and the pb's dont really matter to me
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[27 Nov 2008|04:12pm]
My Zoli Suicide, your... whoever. PB or Celeb. Femme or Het. If Femme, I'd like it to be either a) PB with someone very unconventional or b) Celeb with another Suicide Girl. If Het, then I'm looking for another PB line with an unconventional pairing. This is all, of course, up to discussion. If you've got a totally different idea, I still want to hear it!

Threading preferred, AIM willing. Third person, "storybook". No rape.
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[27 Nov 2008|06:13pm]
Looking to pick up a few new long term lines, everything is in my journal!
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[27 Nov 2008|11:18pm]
Anyone want to bring a dominant female (or male if need be) over to [info]cspc for her?
Thea Taylor, PB: Alicia Way, really submissive character in a BDSM sense.
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[ viewing | November 27th, 2008 ]
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