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[05 Nov 2008|08:38am]
I am having this idea for a line so I hope someone could fill it for me :-).

A couple is married for a few years and have a wonderful child but the kid is not from the husband - the woman is either having an affair with her stepson or
the young neighbour and of course the kid is from him. The husband still thinks its his. When the second child is on its way, the young boy decides he no long wants to hide and be with her and HIS kids. what will happen?I am looking for someone to play the young guy/stepson
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[05 Nov 2008|10:48am]
Southern Gentleman likes the night, Cambodian pop, warm blood, and trying to mainstream as nice guy. Allergic to silver and sunlight. Civil War Veteran. I've drained, tied up, and BDSM'd enough fang chasers to crap several Anne Rice novels. Please no more fang chasers.

Do you like to wear a tight blouse several sizes too small? Do you like taking it quick? Or taking it slow? I prefer low maintenance types with their own lives who like being the human in the relationship. I like cuddling, walks in the moonlight, and very normal sex life.

Must leave neck bare at all times in my presence.

No Yankees or Satanists.
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[05 Nov 2008|05:19pm]
I'm looking for a mature writter to play Gerard Butler for me in a slash or het psl.
My character can be negotiable.
I'd like someone who preferabbly writes more than 2 lines.

scattered shads is where you can find me.
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[05 Nov 2008|05:46pm]
id love to play mariah carey or miley cyrus in a femme slash, celeb or pb private storyline.
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[05 Nov 2008|09:01pm]
a few things:

slash line-A John Morrison for my CM Punk in a comm, to co-own a Karate academy (which they have both stated that they are into irl). The two are rivals but friends (IT'S SO POSSIBLE C'MON) and future ~~lovers, to jog the slashiness memory and all:
Punk faces Morrison in the first round of the tournament, a wrestler the real Punk calls one of the best athletes in WWE. "You can't take him lightly because he'll screw you up," Punk tells me. "He is someone who hasn't reached his full potential yet, so you just need to be tenacious if you want to beat him." lol~ kinky thoughts Punk (from a svr09 rl interview)

slash line-A Zac Efron (link not needed tbh) for my Adam G Sevani, in the same comm, they could be dancing~ rivals and end up getting in a serious relationship.

friend/bandmate line-An Andy Hurley in the same comm as a staff member.

friend/bandmate line-Aiden sans wiL, all for very hXc/badass/crim students for merely BFF-with-wiL purposes.

All of these peeps are wanted for here.

if youse have any further questions contact me~ @ quirkyblah38 - t'is my AIM.
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[05 Nov 2008|11:48pm]
I have time for one more threading line and I really want to do 7 or 9 here, or something along the same lines. Comment to discuss!
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