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rated x

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[01 Oct 2008|01:12am]
would anyone want to try a historical femme line about a queen or woman of nobility and her lady and waiting? i have more details, and i'd prefer to play the queen role, but i'm flexible! also, a gaspard ulliel for my gong li, i also have some ideas there. we could even do hannibal/lady murasaki if that's up your alley.
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[01 Oct 2008|03:13pm]
Slash please, check the journal.
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[01 Oct 2008|10:19pm]
Once again here I am looking for more private storylines. Possibly through emails or IM. I don't get on the computer very much but willing to work out some kind of schedule to get on to play out storylines. However, my computer is pretty spastic and has a mind of it's own. The web works sometimes and only really lets me on AIM. (Sucks huh?)

I am currently on AIM(rumsoakedpirates) at the moment if players who are up this late would like to discuss storyline details, characters and plots. etc and so forth. Please check the journal before contacting me. Who I play and other info are in there, so please check it!

PS. I'm on at the moment and very bored, is anybody on this late and wants to role play - as stated up above please check the journal before contacting me. The storylines in the journal are old and i've got some new ideas i'd love to try but it's hard to write a good explanation of that down. Hope that made sense! I can be reached at * rumsoakedpirates *
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[ viewing | October 1st, 2008 ]
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