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rated x

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[20 Sep 2008|12:51am]
I would really like a line RIGHT NOW.
It's almost 1 AM, and there's barely anyone online.
I'd like to keep the line going if it gets interesting enough!

AIM: finish a thought / check the journal if you want to and comment there (or here)\

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[20 Sep 2008|12:23pm]
i would love a hot, dirty femmesmut line that could go either short or long term. leave who you play, i will most likely be pbing an actress or model!
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[20 Sep 2008|01:38pm]
A Ryan Ross for my Gabe Saporta would be great. PB preferred, but I can do AU. Or you can check the journal for other characters!

i'd also like a cute pregnancy sl, with me playing the male, and I'd love to play Zac Efron. Het only, obviously.
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[20 Sep 2008|03:55pm]
What do I need to do to find a good sexual abuse line?
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[20 Sep 2008|05:11pm]
I'm in the mood for something hot and completely smutty. I play females, but on rare occasions will play males as well. Threading is prefered, but AIM is an option. Sort term or long term it doesn't matter. And PB's are open.
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[20 Sep 2008|06:19pm]
I know this is a long shot but I had this idea in mind for a while. I am looking for a Zac Efron for my Kate Beckinsale for a son/mother or teacher/student line. For the teacher student line I was thinking that they secretly are having an affair but they find out and put my girl into jail, when she comes out everyone sees that her affair with her student wasnt without consequences - she is pregnant. He decides to stay with her and wants to run away with her, wanting the child...

Its just a few ideas - we could also just brainstorm together. If you had another guy in mind for the role of the son/student I am open for anything....
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[20 Sep 2008|07:34pm]
i'd love a hot smutty pb line for the night. het or femme. me playing the female. leave a screen name.
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