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rated x

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[04 Sep 2008|12:21am]
Matt needs a Derek Bloom for a fairly intense ex-boyfriend line, with lingering emotions and unresolved issues. Will involve at least the past mention of graphic sex, bondage and emotional discipline, voyeurism, exhibitionism and a very nasty breakup. If I haven't scared you off yet, please join now, or comment the post and I'll get back to you. Feel free to ask any questions you like as well. Thank you.
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[04 Sep 2008|01:21am]
[info]clubdionysus is a mature but free-spirited PB community based on the BDSM lifestyle. The center point of the community is a BDSM club, Dionysus, that includes a restaurant, bar/nightclub, playrooms, and even lodgings for the employees - but you can play a member, too, and have plenty of activity outside of the lifestyle. More information can be found at [info]dionysusooc, as well as an application. Currently we need more males, both subs and Doms, and more female Dommes - slash, femme, and het are all welcome, as are 'unusual' PBs.
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[ viewing | September 4th, 2008 ]
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