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rated x

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[18 Aug 2008|09:05am]
does anyone play miley cyrus and would be willing to have a femme psl of some sort?
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Femme Storylines [18 Aug 2008|02:46pm]
I am interested in some femme smut. Lines are in my journal. Leave your SN if interested.

Rude little shits who forget our storyline and type 'wtf' like moronic alzheimer patients when I IM them can kiss my ass.
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[18 Aug 2008|11:16pm]
I'm really wanting to do a line where two characters are in a mental institution, both with different, various problems (we can discuss who has what, though I'd like for them both to have some similarity in this).  They become friends and eventually form a relationship.  I want this to be very serious, so I need someone who can pull this off and do research on whatever disorders/issue their character has.  I'M ONLY LOOKING FOR SLASH.  If you're interested, please comment here!
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[ viewing | August 18th, 2008 ]
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