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rated x

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[14 Aug 2008|09:16am]
Looking for a few new lines since my old ones died off.......

Here are a couple of things I am looking for but I am always up for new ideas too :)

* Younger guy/ older woman
* Brother/ Sister
* Guy is falling for his brother's girlfriend while hes gone
* Twincest
* Justin/ Brian from QAF
* a kidnapping line
* Ryan/ Reese
* Joel Madden/ HIlary Duff
* any line thats not so common
16 comments|post comment

[14 Aug 2008|03:09pm]
Anyone up for a little smut over the next few hours? Threading and it can be anyone in my icons against anyone you choose, het, slash or femme. Just looking for something to kill time.
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[14 Aug 2008|08:23pm]
I posted a while ago, but things with my computer fell through, so I'm back. Looking for something slashy against my Chace. He's a top. Looking for something tonight. Anyone interested?
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[14 Aug 2008|08:46pm]
PSLs? May even go to a community.
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[ viewing | August 14th, 2008 ]
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