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[13 May 2008|01:22am]

I have had a really bad night and I might be up for a while. I know someone is up and interested.
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[13 May 2008|02:20am]
Looking for someone to PB Jensen Ackles, Chad Michael Murray, and Chris Evans in three friendship storylines at [info]drama_point. Now, I have was actually a good girl and made clear details about the storyline so if interested, please see THIS ENTRY and then IM me online at Only Can Be GCB if interested. You can also just check out my journal if you're bored, I don't mind.
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[13 May 2008|04:02pm]
Revamped Corina Kohl-Jameson again some. Not too many changes though new storyline ideas are around. Keep in mind she lives a double life, all PB's suggested are negotiable, and I prefer aim to threads though will do both. This character is complex, dominant, a sex-addict, and can/will kick your ass haha. She's a bitch, just a forewarning.

The Husband; [OPEN - PB Suggestions; Henri Castelli, Eric Dane, Brad Pitt ]
They met in Hawaii, had instant chemistry, and in a moment of insanity got married. Now, three years later, he technically lives in NYC and has his career there while she still lives in Seattle Washington. Because of this, the two have an open relationship. They fuck who they want but never get serious with anyone else. They barely ever see each other and keep their relationship working through phone calls. On a whole they don't fight and have a working relationship however things are getting old for him. He is considering moving to Seattle, to starting a family with her, and to finally being faithful. To bad for him Kohl doesn't want this.

The Bestfriend; [OPEN - PB Suggestions; Tom Everett Scott, Mark Paul Gosselaar ]
Since diapers these two have been close. They have seen each other through the best and worst of times, having always helped the other one out and kept their secrets. However their is one thing he doesn't know, that Kohl is madly in love with him and would give up all her bad habits for him in a heart beat. To bad he is oblivious to it all, finding her attractive but never thinking of her as more then his best friend. Oh well, she'll still end up at his place weekend for a dinner together, she'll forever watch him run around and be the bachelor he loves being. She'll forever support him and just wish one day he would finally see she is the only one for him.

The Mistress; [OPEN - PB Suggestions; Becki Newton, Tara Reid ]
For the last five years, Kohl has been leading this woman on. From hot to cold, the two have sex on Kohl's schedule. Kohl treats her kind of like a rug, walking all over her yet for some reason she always comes back. Heck, she even models for Kohl when asked to. She simply is waiting for the day Kohl needs her, wants her, and is willing to give up the life she has. She was fooled herself into believing all Kohl's conquest mean nothing, that at the end of the day she will come back to her, that she is the one that she loves.

The Nice Guy; [ OPEN - PB Suggestions; Eric Dane, Patrick Dempsey ]
Nice guys tend to finish last and unfortunately for him, that's what always seems to happen with Kohl. Though he takes her out on romantic dates, has met her family (and to them is thought to be her boyfriend), and does just about anything she asks, for some reason he can not get her to fall in love with him, the way he is with her. He shares his soul with her and she honestly is open to him. He is one of the only people she is romantically linked to that can get her to cuddle, to open up, to be kind and caring. So why won't she be with him? Give him the life he knows they deserve together? Is it simply because she feels she doesn't deserve him? That he is too good for her? Or is there something he just doesn't know of yet?
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[13 May 2008|05:32pm]
Looking for het, to pair Kelly Monaco against John Cena..PB or Celeb doesn't matter.
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[13 May 2008|11:00pm]
smutty femme scene tonight? don't care who plays who! im me on thebollocksxo
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