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[14 Mar 2008|01:31am]
Well, I've done the same characters for so long, I totally want to do a 180 and do something new that I've never done. All my boys and all my girls are happily with their opposite sex in their near perfect relationship, and it's leaving me a little bored.

This is Diane, a creation after watching Bound. Diane is a 26 year old, spoiled rotten, bitchy, girl who wants to lay just about every girl she sees to prove she can, as she grew 'bored' of men in high school, having a lot of experience with much older men she shouldn't have. I'm really wanting to put her in a community, not high school or college, in which she can go around on her path of sextruction. Obviously there would have to be willing partners, but mainly I just want her to cause some trouble.

Anybody know somewhere I should join as her? And to go with that, anyone possibly interested in a SL with her, or maybe someone wants to join with me and go into a community? I'm really wanting to house her by tomorrow at the latest.
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[14 Mar 2008|02:40am]
Would anyone have any interest with a very sexually active Pixie Acia? She can be played out as the person herself or in PB form. I have no set ideas in mind right now, I just want to do something with her. I'll even take a PSL if that's someone's interest. I play her as straight but would be willing to try some femme slash too. The more sexual the storyline, the better. I'm not one to shy away from any ideas so any suggestion is wanted. Comments are screened for privacy or if you prefer, leave your AIM name and I'll get a hold of you.

I also RP as female wrestlers if that's anyones cup of tea. The list of who is in my journal somewhere.
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[14 Mar 2008|09:12am]
I have a girl in a new community and I have been mulling over a storyline idea. I am looking for a Josh Hartnett or Hayden Christensen. Either would be my first pb choices. I don’t want to have the details all laid out, leaving the story too controlled but I know I want it to eventually get dark. I want to see my character be allowed to grow and change as the other writer’s would. It would be a long term, community story. I’m looking for a player that can write a nice guy who turns out to be pretty damn evil under his charming smile. His background can be as wicked as the writer wishes, but at face value, he’s looked at as a good guy. And yes, there is a romantic twist, she does indeed fall for him and he would develop some emotions for her be it love, obsession or something he can't quite put his finger on.
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[14 Mar 2008|05:40pm]
[ mood | hopeful ]

I play Jalander Fazer at [info]skins_rpg we’re currently somewhere between series 2 ep3 and ep4 as far as timelines go. We started before SKINS series 2 and therefore we're bringing in bits of series 2 pieces at a time. I'm primarily pimping for Chris Miles but if Chris isn’t your cup of tea though, we still need Sketch and Anwar. We’re also open to any minor characters that are not already taken and originals.

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[14 Mar 2008|07:36pm]
Would anyone be interested in a college based psl group? There's going to be a frat and a sorority and then like, a mishmash group of people that just go to the college. There's not a comm made yet, but if you'd be interested, post here or IM me at trashymassacre
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[14 Mar 2008|10:58pm]
Anyone up for a femme line tonight?
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