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rated x

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[13 Feb 2008|06:30am]
would anyone be up for a femme psl (via threads only right now, my aim has yet to work) i'd like to play anais lameche as a pb character who is going through a rough time and is living in her car on the street, after being kicked out of her parents house when she told them she was a lesbian. the two characters would have met by chance, maybe a female traffic officer who was trying to write her a ticket but said she could get out of it if anais would do something for her, the something involving very smutty and sexual things. or maybe just one of anais' friends who was offering her a place to stay and things heated up. its up to you! i don't have any specific pbs i'd want to play against, really, but comment or pm me to work things out :-)
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[13 Feb 2008|06:39pm]
I'd love a smutty het line for tonight. I'll play the guy - recently I've been celebing and pbing Zac Efron, Michael Cera and Danny Jones, but I'm open to suggestions if there's someone you want me to play!
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[13 Feb 2008|08:42pm]
Looking for a incest line. Brother and sister. I'd like to play the sister as either Kelly Monaco or Nadia Bjorlin against Jensen Ackles or Jake Gylenhaal
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[ viewing | February 13th, 2008 ]
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