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[07 Feb 2008|08:17am]

Would anyone be up for the following pairings?

Reese Witherspoon/ Ryan Philippe
Hilary Duff/ Joel Madden
Joel Madden/Benji Madden?


Id be playin the character on the left side

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Incest? [07 Feb 2008|11:40pm]
Hello, I'm looking for an incest private sl. Identical twin boys, preferably. PBs are negotiable, and AIM or threading is fine with me (I write longer and better replies while threading, and am generally fast about it mostly because I have time to really go back and nitpick everything).

I'm open to ideas, but I like the brothers to go to college, maybe share a dorm room. Another idea is maybe they're just brothers with benefits, and it could either stay that way or develop.

I'm open to other incest ideas (slash only please), and if you're interested please leave your AIM. Thanks! Cross posted.
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