Queer as Folk Music

December 7th, 2007

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December 7th, 2007

Slow dance with me....

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When I think of dance music, I think of the thumpa thumpa. And yet ... first of all, my beloved Brian-worshipping fan girls, let us all acknowledge, no matter how we love him, that Brian cannot dance. Really. He can sort of hump Justin on the dance floor while music is playing, but dance? I say this with love, but it's kind of painful when he tries.

All his best moments are either true slow dances -- "Save the Last Dance for Me" in 122 and again in 202 -- or the ones where he and Justin are dancing to music only they can hear -- Pride, Cha Cha dance, "good cock, bad cock," Forever Young.

And yet I've never read a fic that had them dancing slow that I bought, even fics I otherwise love.

Do you think Brian and Justin would ever slow-dance again like they did at the prom? At a wedding or any kind of public event, can you imagine them, really, in character, coming from where they were in canon and slow-dancing together? How about alone, with no one to see?

If they'd gone through with their golden-gardenia-garnished wedding, would they have slow-danced at that?

Now, a confession...
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