18 October 2007 @ 11:11 pm
Apparently I have a weakness for crack!icons.

We were playing tonight over in [info]qaf_crackfic and [info]not_yet_defined got silly creative with some of the brilliant art of [info]flashfly and [info]youbetterwiseup for various crackfics, and I remembered my beloved blindfolded!escort!Justin icon by [info]qafmaniac, and then of course there is [info]sidhe's completely brilliant icon for agoraphobic!Justin fic, and I don't know, it never ends, really...

So these are all the icons I have uploaded that are either inspired by specific crack!fics or are commentary on crackfic conventions in general. Enjoy but remember, credit the icon makers or you will be trapped in agoraphobia!Justin fic forever!

Little tease:

agoraphobic!comespewing!Justin by [info]not_yet_defined from artwork by [info]youbetterwiseup

agoraphobic!Justin by [info]sidhe

Mermaid!Brian by [info]flashfly

Got any to share???