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Dec. 31st, 2012


Gift # 7 of 36

TO: [info]tawny_7 (LJ)
FROM: [info]lego_4ever (LJ) (
GIFT REQUEST: Icons Love Brian/Justin
NOTE: Hi, here are my icons. Link is below. If it requires a password, the password in photobucket is exchange. Thanks.

qaf exchange 2012

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket


Gift # 6 of 36

TO: [info]lego_4ever (LJ)
FROM: yvonnereid
TITLE: I Will Defend You
Gift Request: Drama/Humor B/J - J defends B from criticisms
Rated: 18 (Just to be safe)
Summary: Justin defends Brian from being criticized by the gang
Beta: Judy [info]bigj52
Note from author: This is a gift to [info]lego_4ever on Livejournal as part of the qafgiftxchnge in 2012. Merry Christmas and Happy 2013. May all your dreams come true

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Gift # 5 of 36

TO: [info]sapphire_3
FROM: OhKate
GIFT REQUEST: A banner for a historical fiction series & four icons, one for each story in "The Lark" series.
NOTE: Enjoy!


link to full-sized post made by Kate


Gift # 4 of 36

TO: [info]sangwin
FROM: [info]gaeln
TITLE: Doing Unto Others
GIFT REQUEST: Fic: Brian & Justin in present day New York. Holidays post Sandy & election
NOTE: The last gift exchange fic I did, several years ago, was about Brian & Justin’s last Christmas at Britin while this one is about their fourth in New York so, the old one leads into the new, which made the writing of this kind of sweet for me!
My gift recipient wanted this post Sandy and the election still, I felt I had to acknowledge that they happened so, I start with 4 drabbles, two for Sandy & 2 for the election, before getting on with the story.

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Gift # 3 of 36

TO: [info]cheburashka_2
FROM: [info]theextrac00kie
TITLE: Definiton of love
GIFT REQUEST: Brian/Justin super romantic/sexy banner
NOTE: I can change the size if it doesn't fit to the layout.

click for full size

Dec. 30th, 2012


Gift # 2 of 36

TO: [info]frantic_quest
FROM: [info]moonbrightnites
TITLE: The Reason (no one else is living this way)
GIFT REQUEST: A post-series health scare for Brian.

NOTE: Many many thanks to my beta for her support and encouragement. Title stolen from Tantric.

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Gift # 1 of 36

TO: [info]pam81
FROM: [info]sfscarlet
TITLE: Thank You
GIFT REQUEST: Hurt/Comfort Brian/Justin. Post 513. One of them has cancer
NOTE: not a death fic-  This was one of the hardest fics I have ever written and I hope it fits your request.
Beta by [info]justbeaqueen

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Dec. 26th, 2012


2012 Gifts are due in....

Click to see how much time is left

If you don't want to click, everything is due by 11:59pm Eastern December 29th, 2012.

But WAIT! If you need a wee bit of extra time, email them (to qafgiftxchnge @ by noon eastern on the 30th!

please remember to copy, paste, and fill this out to include in your email along with your submission:

adapt this to fit your needs.

CORRECTION --> writer & beta names will NOT be removed for the initial posting (I was for some reason thinking the gift exchange was anon at the beginning, but that's usually only for the challenge comm... oops!) Let me know if this will be a problem. (comments are screened) So sorry for any confusion. My bad.

Dec. 20th, 2012


9 more sleeps to go before the 2012 Gifts are due!

I'm starting to freak out. Are you starting to freak out?

Good Luck finishing (starting) everything up. Let me know if you need any assistance.

I'll post another reminder in a week.

PS Check out the new LJ & IJ comm headers created by the awesome [info]theextrac00kie!!!!

Dec. 5th, 2012


24 more sleeps to before the 2012 Gifts are due

I've already had three gifts turned in! Fantastic!

And when you're ready to send in your gift, please remember to copy, paste, and fill this out to include in your email along with your submission:

adapt this to fit your needs.

(writer & beta names will be removed for the intial posting and then be revealed on the 6th of January, 2013)

For those interested, there's a support post at qaf_ficwriters for all things related to your gift exchange fic, including:
  • Word count reports
  • General questions
  • Beta requests
  • Cheerleading requests
  • Moaning & groaning

Not a writer? No problem; discussion of art fills, vids, layouts, etc. are also welcome.

Nov. 19th, 2012


Well that was an experience!

All of the assignments for the 2012 gift exchange have been sent out. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask here (the comments are screened ETA...ooops now they are) or email qafgiftxchnge @

Everything is due by 11:59pm Eastern December 29th, 2012. If you send them in early, I'll love you forever (aka then I queue everything up ahead of time)

**new icon by the very talented OhKate! **

Nov. 11th, 2012


QAF GIFT EXCHANGE 2012 :: the sign-up deadline looms


Calling all writers, drawers, photoshoppers, vidders, layout makers, fanmixers, or whatever other medium you work best in. Sign-up to give a gift and get one in return! Plus everyone benefits from all these contributions to our fandom! :D

~ Sign up post

~ Sign ups will remain open until November 11, 2012 11:59pm Eastern (if you miss that or forget, post a sign-up anyway, and I'll see what I can do, but please try to make that deadline. Thanks!)

----->  UPDATE :: late sign-ups will be considered until
5pm eastern on Monday, November 12th.  <-----

~ Assignments will be sent out by November 19, 2012. I will make assignments and pair you up with your gift recipient.

~ All gifts must be submitted to me at qafgiftxchnge @ with the subject line: 2012 GIFT by 11:59pm Eastern December 29th, 2012. (this will give everyone a little extra time around the holidays)

~ Gifts will be posted December 30 -31st, 2012, and the contributor reveal will be a week later.


LJ Beta Volunteer Sign-up or on IJ -There are already 2 awesome volunteers signed up, so please take the time to consider their assistance.

Please feel free to pimp away...and beg (twist arms, offer sexual favours) whatever you need to do) all fans to come and participate. Questions? Ask away!

Nov. 3rd, 2012


Beta Sign-Up

If you don't think you'll be able to participate with writing or graphics, but would like to offer up beta services, please drop a comment here.



If you're interested in participating, please comment here with the following information:

LJ/IJ/Tumblr Name:


First Gift Request:
Other specifications:

Alternate Gift Choice:
Other specifications:

What are you offering as a gift - fic or media?
Other limitations:

What would you not be willing to write or make?

*Sign ups close on November 11, 2012 - 11:59pm Eastern
*Entries are due December 29, 2012 - 11:59pm Eastern (emailed to qafgiftxchnge @




I have the honor of running the exchange this year! Thanks to [info]happier_bunny for doing an awesome job last year, but she & Xie are crazy busy so that's where I come in!

This notice is coming later than usual, but there's still lots of time to write, draw, photoshop, vid, or whatever other medium you work best in.

~ A sign up post is to follow (all comments will be screened)

~ Sign ups will remain open until November 11, 2012 11:59pm Eastern

~ Assignments will be sent out by November 19, 2012. I will make assignments and pair you up with your gift recipient.

~ All gifts must be submitted to me at qafgiftxchnge @ with the subject line: 2012 GIFT by 11:59pm Eastern December 29th, 2012.

~ Gifts will be posted December 30 -31st, 2012 (this will give everyone a little extra time around the holidays)

I hope many of you will participate. Last year there was about 42 gifts given, so come out, come out wherever you are, old fans and new! Let's make this year even bigger!

Like previous years, this round will be held on Livejournal and Insanejournal. You can sign up where you want, I will mix up all participants and then post all the gifts on LJ and IJ. That way everyone should be able to play. I'll also be spreading the word on Tumblr, so hopefully that will add even more participants into the mix.


  • Please don't sign up if you may not be able to fulfill your gift. IF an emergency happens and you can't participate, please let me know as soon as possible so I can beg someone to stand in so that no one goes giftless.

  • All submissions have to be new, everything else would be just plain rude.

  • NO Brian/Michael, no MPREG, no RPS. Everything else is fine.

  • Gifts cannot be posted in your own LJ, IJ or elsewhere until one week after they are revealed here.

  • I will make every effort to match requests with talent. I will also make every effort to fulfill each request. However, if for some reason, your request cannot be fulfilled, I would hope that whatever is substituted will be accepted with gratitude and dignity and with the spirit in which is was intended.

    Please feel free to pimp away...and beg all fans to come and participate. Questions? Ask away!

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