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Dec. 31st, 2012


Gift # 21 of 36

TO: [info]sungaizing85
FROM: [info]lupin111
TITLE: Lucy In the Sky
Gift Request: Justin with REAL wings + Brian's boner = MERRY XMAS TO ME, nc21 (no children under 21) - ne 85 (no elders over 85 in case they have weak hearts)
Genre: Le Smut with a dash of magical realism (I believe in wings)
Pairing/character/theme/focus: Brian/Justin, theme: indecent feathers, focus: non-poultry
Other specifications: DAZZLE ME ; )
NOTES: . Gaaaaaaaaaaaah, I was never any good at Le Smut. I hope you enjoy the story, though. There’s a wee bit of smut… (makes big doe eyes).LMerry Christmas and I hope you have a wonderful 2013!  I’m sorry that this isn’t as smutty as it should be, but my slutty muse has gone into hiding

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Gift # 20 of 36

TO: [info]sfscarlet
FROM: [info]guavejuice
TITLE: House Rules
GIFT REQUEST: future!fic, A day in the life/ everyday events. I would like a story about Justin and Brian and Gus in the future- 10+ years 513
NOTES: B/J fic for qaf_giftxchnge 2012. 10 yrs post-513, Other characters:Gus, Lindsay (mentioned)

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Gift # 19 of 36

TO: [info]maybe742
FROM: [info]bidyke73
TITLE: Fucking allergies!
GIFT REQUEST: post-513 (rating is author's choice) Brian/Justin Brian stopped smoking. How does he get along with it? And why did he quit? What does the gang and Justin say? I don't know. Do you?" Other Specifications: It can be drabble or a short fic. The length doesn't matter. I never know what I should ask for. So, every drabble or fiction in return will do it in the end, as long it's Brian/Justin - oh and Drew/Emmett would be okay too :)
NOTE: My muses didn't really cooperate with this assignment at first for two reasons: For one, I already wrote a set of drabbles about that topic. It's here:
Second reason: I had planned to write this during the longest Christmas holiday I ever had. But then, there was this really bad cold that knocked me down for nearly two weeks and made me dizzy in the head. So I am very last minute as always. This is unbeta-ed yet, but I promise that there will be a beta-ed version on my LJ later.

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Gift # 18 of 36

TO: [info]sxysadie21
FROM: [info]selenebj
GIFT REQUEST: banner/header for a fic
NOTE: Hope you like it! Happy Holidays! :)

... )


Gift # 17 of 36

To: [info]maybe742
From: [info]wren_kt7oz
Title: Synchronicity
Gift Request: post-513 future!porn/Nc-17 Justin is turning 30 (next year, I guess). Brian and Justin have a “ridiculously romantic” birthday/night/weekend
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Justin is in New York (although not permanently), his birthday is coming up, their friends are nagging (no surprise there). Brian, of course, is doing his best to ignore the whole thing, but circumstances seem to be conspiring to put ideas into his head about how this milestone birthday might be celebrated.
Author’s Note: I know that along the way C/L decided that Justin’s birthday was in February, but in S1 it seemed to be before Christmas, rather than two months after. (There are what look like Christmas decorations and door wreaths in the Kip Thomas arc, and that’s around Justin’s birthday.) So that’s the time of year I’m going with.


Synchronicity )


Gift # 16 of 36

TO: [info]theextrac00kie
FROM: [info]aleanorblack
TITLE: A Familiar Taste
GIFT REQUEST: No specific preference. I prefer Brian/Justin.
NOTE: Post Season 5. I really hope you enjoy this story, theextrac00kie. And I hope everyone enjoys it, too. Happy Holidays!

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Gift # 15 of 36

TO: OhKate
FROM: [info]mander3_swish
TITLE: Fanmix: Bittersweet Uncertainty
GIFT REQUEST: Anything would be fine, media or fic, as long as it's Brian/Justin focused.
NOTES: Here's a collection of songs I like and feel fit in and go with Brian and Justin, either in canon or post-series.
Thanks again for making those extra icons! :D

Front & Back Covers:

listen here )

ETA: FIXED the vid embed links!


Gift # 14 of 36

TO: [info]sxysadie21/
FROM: [info]jule1122
TITLE: Common Ground
GIFT REQUEST: friendship!fic If you could incorporate Brian/Ben friendship with canon relationship pairings that would be awesome.
NOTE: Thank you to [info]philflam for being a quick and wonderful beta! To sxysadie21-I hope you enjoy. Happy Holidays!

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Gift # 13 of 36

TO: [info]jule1122
FROM: [info]xheartrockx
TITLE: (none) Layout for [info]jule1122
GIFT REQUEST: Layout for [info]jule1122


Gift # 12 of 36

TO: [info]moonbrightnites
FROM: [info]xheartrockx
TITLE: (none) Layout for [info]qaf_ficwriters
GIFT REQUEST: Layout for [info]qaf_ficwriters


Gift # 11 of 36

TO: [info]aleanorblack
FROM: [info]sapphire_3
TITLE: A Secret Knows
GIFT REQUEST: Fic any genre of the author's choosing. Brian/Justin, “We dance round in a ring and suppose, while the secret sits in the middle and knows." -Robert Frost. Ambiguous ending.


Title: A Secret Knows
Author: [info]sapphire_3
Genre: Ficlets, Gapfillers for ep. 202, 308, 410 and post 513
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Four ficlets based on the Robert Frost quote: We dance round in a ring and suppose, while the secret sits in the middle and knows.
Beta: [info]bigj52 (*Hugs*)
Word Count: 4000

A Secret Knows )


Gift # 10g of 36

To:  [info]bidyke73
From:  [info]predec2
Title:  "I Could Have Shagged All Night"

Ch 18-19 )


Gift # 10f of 36

To:  [info]bidyke73
From:  [info]predec2
Title:  "I Could Have Shagged All Night"

Ch 16-17 )


Gift # 10e of 36

To:  [info]bidyke73
From:  [info]predec2
Title:  "I Could Have Shagged All Night"

Ch 11-15 )


Gift # 10d of 36

To:  [info]bidyke73
From:  [info]predec2
Title:  "I Could Have Shagged All Night"

Ch 8-10 )


Gift # 10c of 36

To:  [info]bidyke73
From:  [info]predec2
Title:  "I Could Have Shagged All Night"

Ch 6-7 )


Gift # 10b of 36

To:  [info]bidyke73
From:  [info]predec2
Title:  "I Could Have Shagged All Night"

Ch 3-5 )


Gift # 10a of 36

To:  [info]bidyke73
From:  [info]predec2
Title:  "I Could Have Shagged All Night"
Gift Request: Either AU or post513/ future fic. Either they get to know each other as a complete AU or it's after one of their breakups - you decide. I've got a kink for B/J are dating for some reason, but still somehow in character.
Synopsis:  Brian is forced to take dance lessons when he loses a bet.  But does his luck change when he meets his beautiful, blond dance instructor?  B/J AU Romance.  

Brian pulled at the collar of his sleeveless black shirt, but it wasn't really constricting his neck.  He felt his forehead breaking out in perspiration underneath the glare of the hot spotlights casting the dance studio in a bright, garish mockery of daylight, even though it was almost 7:00 p.m. and the sun had long ago crept below the horizon.  At that moment, as he leaned back against the shadowed wall of the studio and tried to disappear from sight, he wished that he could be anywhere but here.  Once more he tried to figure out how he had wound up in this god-awful dive in the first place, but deep down he knew he only had himself to blame…

Ch 1-2 )


Gift # 9 of 36

TO: [info]predec2
FROM: [info]frusciantechick
TITLE: Oh Hell, Not Again!
GIFT REQUEST: Fic romance, jealous Brian, B and J
NOTE: Thank you to my beta, [info]moonbrightnites who has put up with me once again. I always rely on her to polish up my stories with her invaluable advice and comments. You’re the best!

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Gift # 8 of 36

TO: [info]lupin111
FROM: [info]pam81
TITLE: Tattoo Arts
GIFT REQUEST: "nice, simple tattoo art saying 'no apologies, no regrets'"
NOTE: Hope this is what you were looking for and that you liked them. Happy Holidays!

4 more behind the cut )

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