Jan. 5th, 2015


Gift # 30

TO: [info]xheartrockx
FROM: [info]asm614
TITLE: Family Ties
GIFT REQUEST: something fluffy with a side of H/C would be nice Brian/Justin - domestic bliss
NOTE: This came out a little more angsty than I had anticipated, kinda like “H/C with a small side of fluff,” but I hope you still like it! Thanks to [info]pfodge for the beta!

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Jan. 2nd, 2015


Gift # 23

TO: [info]delvalmom
FROM: [info]asm614
TITLE: Falling
GIFT REQUEST: Angst lite future fic. 10 years or so post 513. Actual post 513 timeframe writer's choice. Slice of life fic is fine, maybe focused on a specific issue that causes a minor bump in the road for Brian and Justin.
NOTE: I have very little experience with NYC but have tried to research as best I can. Please excuse (or feel free to correct) anything that’s glaringly inaccurate!

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