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Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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Gusmas 2011: News & At A Distance [Dec. 5th, 2011|05:52 pm]

Title: News
Series: Recovery
Author: [info]museme87
Prompt(s): Dec 3rd—airport photo
Notes: Fulfills [info]not_yet_defined's "all 7 images" challenge. For the 37-drabble story challenge.

News )

Title: At A Distance
Series: Recovery
Author: [info]museme87
Prompt(s): Dec 4th—I dare you
Notes: Fulfills [info]masnds2's challenge. For the 37-drabble story challenge. This was a particularly difficult drab with the prompt, but I hope that Brian's unspoken dare/challenge to Justin to get better so they can be together again comes across well enough. And the additional challenge to himself to stay away from Justin until he gets better.

At A Distance )
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Gusmas series [Dec. 4th, 2011|10:37 pm]

Title: Christmas Compromises, part 7
Series: Christmas Compromises
Author: Moonbrightnites
Prompt: You are like a hurricane
Notes: This is a post-513 series that will include all the prompts.

Brian sighs in frustration. “I don’t know what the fuck I did.”

Justin finally shifts his gaze away from the floor only to fix it against the ceiling instead. No chance for Brian to catch his gaze and maybe figure this out.

“You didn’t do anything.”

Brian breathes out in relief – only to catch the second meaning in his partner’s words a second too late. “You wanted help, and I didn’t offer.” It’s a guess, but he’s pretty sure he’s right.

Justin shrugs, his expression blank.

“You know, I prefer it when you yell at me. Throw things. Justin, the human hurricane.”
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Gusmas 2011 [Dec. 4th, 2011|01:53 pm]
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Title: A Not So Spontaneous Proposal
Author: [info]jule1122
Prompt: I dare you

“Go on, I dare you,” Gus urged JR, at five she was so easy to tease.

JR ran down the stairs, almost tripping over her nightgown, before stopping in front of Justin. “Will you marry me?” she asked in a rush.

Justin’s face turned red. “Ummm?” he started, but JR was already gone.

“You should consider it,” Debbie said once everyone stopped laughing. “She’ll be ready before Brian gets off his ass and asks again.”

“Hey, that’s my daughter you’re trying to marry off!” Michael protested.

Brian winked up at Gus and turned the ring box over in his pocket.
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Gusmas 2011 [Dec. 4th, 2011|11:34 am]
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Title: Destination
Author: [info]jule1122
Prompt: 2nd Picture Prompt-Airport
Notes: Brian/Justin kiss challenge

Justin’s face lit up when he exited the tunnel and saw Brian waiting at the gate. He kissed him enthusiastically, not caring that they were blocking the way for the other passengers.

“How did you get past security?” Justin asked.

“I’m a passenger, not a visitor.” Brian waved two boarding passes in front of Justin’s face, but didn’t let him read them. “Let’s go, our gate is on the other side of the airport, and you still need to check in.”

“Wait,” Justin stopped. “What about my bag?”

“Mikey’s got it. You won’t be needing all those clothes,” Brian teased.
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Gusmas 2011 [Dec. 4th, 2011|11:00 am]
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Title: To Watch You Go Down
Author: [info]jule1122
Prompt: Ice
Notes: Title take from U2's "So Cruel"

Brian slammed the loft door, closing his eyes to block out the look on Justin’s face. He waited until he heard Justin’s footsteps fade away to bang his fist on the door in frustration.

Justin had come to him, on his own, and all Brian had wanted to do was tell him he was proud of him, to kiss him until his smile changed from accomplishment to desire. But he didn’t have that right anymore.

Brian straightened up and walk away from the door, already feeling the layer of ice forming around his heart. He hoped it was thick enough.
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Gusmas 2011 [Dec. 3rd, 2011|11:35 pm]
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Title: The Last Time
Author: [info]brianswalk
Word Count: 100
A/N: Thanks you, my Jeannie! Any remaining errors are mine or intentional.
A/N2: One [info]drabylon dollar.
Prompt: The Last Time

The Last Time

“I think we should take Gus to the hospital,” Lindsay said anxiously. “He just can’t stop vomiting.”

“He’s drunk, Linz.”

“Mel! That’s an awful accusation, don’t you think?”

“Grow up, Lindsay. What were you doing at fourteen years old?”

“Well,” she considered, “my braces were removed that year. And the Winter

“OK, bad example.” Mel’s eyes gleamed as if presenting to the jury. “What was Gus’ father doing at fourteen?”

“Brian? He… well, he… Oh, my!”

“The prosecution rests.”

“Shouldn’t we be worried?” Lindsay asked as Gus moaned pitifully for her attention.

“I guarantee this’ll be the last time.”
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Gusmas 2011 [Dec. 3rd, 2011|10:51 pm]
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Title: Plaid or Herringbone
Author: [info]jule1122
Prompt: You are like hurricane

Blake found Ted sprawled on the couch, arm flung over his eyes. “Everything ok?”

“Emmett was here,” Ted uncovered his eyes. “To go over the reception details again.”

“Didn’t we finalize those last week?” Blake asked, pulling Ted’s feet into his lap once Ted lifted them enough for him to sit.

“We did, but Emmett showed up with flip charts and power points and swatches,” Ted shuddered. “I’m still not sure if they were for napkins, centerpieces, or an unfortunate tie I doubt either of us agreed to.”

Blake squeezed Ted’s foot and laughed. “I guess that explains the glitter.”
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Gusmas 2011 [Dec. 3rd, 2011|10:35 pm]
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Title: Learning the Ropes
Author: [info]jule1122
Prompt: The truth hurts
Notes: Brian/Justin kiss challenge!

Justin slid into the booth, giving Brian a quick kiss before reaching over to steal his coffee.

“Hey!” he protested when Brian slapped his hand away.

“Ignore him,” Emmett said. “He’s pissed because the new waiter called him ‘Sir.’”

“Really?” Justin laughed, twisting around until he spotted him, looking so young and so obviously scared that his heart dropped. “Poor thing, I’ll talk to him later. He’ll make way better tips if he flatters the older guys.”

“Who are you calling older!” Brian’s eyebrow shot up. “And your tips weren’t for fucking flattery.”

“Who said you were my best tipper.”
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Gusmas series [Dec. 3rd, 2011|08:47 pm]

Title: Christmas Compromises, part six
Series: Christmas Compromises
Author: Moonbrightnites
Prompt: The truth hurts
Notes: This is a post-513 series that will include all the prompts.

“Then tell me what’s wrong,” Brian presses. “Just don’t lock yourself away or run off again.”

Justin chews at his lower lip. “I don’t want to spend Christmas here. And I don’t want to spend it on my own again, either. Do you realize that every single time we’ve planned a trip together, I’ve wound up on my own?”

Brian frowns. “If you want to take a trip, we’ll do that. This time, I’ll make sure it happens like it’s supposed to. I just didn’t know.”

Justin keeps his eyes on the floor. “No,” he agrees. “Of course you didn’t.”
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Gusmas 2011: Walking Disaster & Mother's Touch [Dec. 3rd, 2011|06:25 pm]

Title: Walking Disaster
Series: Recovery
Author: [info]museme87
Prompt(s): Dec. 1st – You are like a hurricane
Notes: This is a drabble series centering around missing moments from the first half of season two and BJ's recovery from the bashing.

Walking Disaster )

Title: Mother's Touch
Series: Recovery
Author: [info]museme87
Prompt(s): Dec 2nd — Ice
Notes: This is a drabble series centering around missing moments from the first half of season two and BJ's recovery from the bashing.

Mother's Touch )
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Gusmas 2011: Close Calls & The Blame Game [Dec. 2nd, 2011|08:56 pm]

Title: Close Calls
Series: Recovery
Author: [info]museme87
Prompt(s): Nov. 29th – The last time
Notes: This is a drabble series centering around missing moments from the first half of season two and BJ's recovery from the bashing.

Close Calls )

Title: The Blame Game
Series: Recovery
Author: [info]museme87
Prompt(s): Nov. 30th – The truth hurts
Notes: This is a drabble series centering around missing moments from the first half of season two and BJ's recovery from the bashing.

The Blame Game )
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Gusmas series [Dec. 2nd, 2011|07:10 pm]

Title: Christmas Compromises, part five
Series: Christmas Compromises
Author: Moonbrightnites
Prompt: The last time
Prompt: This is a post-513 series that will include all the prompts. In order, even!

Brian follows him.

“Justin, get back here,” he calls. “Come on. Tell me what I don’t understand.”

Justin walks into the bathroom and shuts the door. A second later, the lock clicks into place.

Brian sighs. This is going to turn out just like it did the last time.

He pounds against the door. “Justin, open up. Will you cut this shit out? Please? Whatever I did, I’m sorry.”

He waits for what feels like forever before Justin finally opens the door, frowning.

“It’s all wrong,” Justin informs him, eyes downcast. “And a tree isn’t enough to fix it.”
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Who was Ali Forney? [Dec. 2nd, 2011|04:03 pm]


If you're wondering why we're raising money for the Ali Forney Center... and who Ali Forney was... watch this video.

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Gusmas 2011: Let's get soaking wet [Dec. 2nd, 2011|01:02 pm]

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[music |Infinity Guitars by Sleigh Bells]

Title: Brian Kinney would hate me if I used one of the sappy titles I thought of...
Author: mander3_swish
Prompt: Dec. 29: Let's get soaking wet
A/N: Drabylon Dollar. Here’s some fluffy wet snow for y’all.

Needless to say, Brian was unimpressed when his sneaky son and traitorous partner exacted their vicious attack against him.

He’d been minding his own business, enjoying one of his last cigarettes ever (because as of the 1st he was giving them up for good) when it felt like an iceberg threw up inside of his shirt. This was followed by a relentless pelting of snowballs.

“We’re conditioning you so that whenever you think of smoking you’ll associate it with being soaked with melting snowballs,” Justin barely managed to explain before he was on the receiving end of Brian’s revenge.
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Gusmas 2011: Christmas Compromises [Dec. 1st, 2011|06:47 pm]

Title: Christmas Compromises, part four
Series: Christmas Compromises
Author: Moonbrightnites
Prompt: Restless
Prompt: This is a post-513 series that will include all the prompts.

Afterward, Justin is quiet. He doesn’t want to curl up within Brian’s arms or kiss or talk –- instead, he wipes himself clean, tugs on his pants, and returns his attention to the tree. He strings bare limbs with lights before trying various arrangements of ornaments. After each effort he steps back, frowning.

“It isn’t right,” he murmurs again and again as Brian watches in mounting concern.

“It’s a Christmas tree,” Brian finally snaps. “Not your magnum opus. Relax.”

Justin fixes him with a glare. “Of course you don’t understand.”

“Understand … what? It’s a tree.”

Justin turns and stomps away.
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Gusmus 2011 [Dec. 1st, 2011|07:18 pm]

Title: Leaving
Author: jugurl2012
Prompt(s): December 3 picture prompt
Notes: The drabble is for the moonbrightnites challenge.

Brian hated this. It was always the worst part of the visit. Justin and he shared a sweet kiss, for once not caring about breeders’ eyes.

Brian could tell Justin was trying to hold back tears, needing to be strong, not wanting to feel like a silly little faggot. Years of indifference made it relatively easy for Brian to hide his feelings.

“Last call for boarding flight 112 to New York.”

Justin looked over his shoulder at the boarding gate, before staring into Brian’s eyes. “See you in a couple of months?”

Brian nodded. ”Go get famous in New York.”
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Gusmas 2011: Neverland & Learning Curve [Dec. 1st, 2011|12:59 pm]

I hope it's alright if I post more than one drabble in a post. If not, please let me know, mods!

Title: Neverland
Series: Recovery
Author: [info]museme87
Prompt(s): Nov. 27th – tree image
Notes: Fulfills [info]not_yet_defined's "all 7 images" challenge. For the 37-part story challenge. This is a drabble series centering around missing moments from the first half of season two and BJ's recovery from the bashing.

Neverland )

Title: Learning Curve
Series: Recovery
Author: [info]museme87
Prompt(s): Nov. 28th – Restless
Notes: This is a drabble series centering around missing moments from the first half of season two and BJ's recovery from the bashing.

Learning Curve )
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Gusmas 2011 [Dec. 1st, 2011|07:27 am]

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Title: Welcome Distractions
Series: New York Stories Drabble Series
Author: [info]frantic_quest
Prompt: Restless
Notes: Drabylon Dollar! This is a drabble series set several years post-513 looking at Brian & Justin's life together in NYC. Not necessarily linear.
Welcome Distraction )
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Gusmas 2011: Hollowed [Nov. 30th, 2011|10:37 am]

Title: Hollowed
Series: Recovery
Author: [info]museme87
Prompt(s): Nov. 26th – Rapid deceleration
Notes: This is a 37 part drabble series centering around missing moments from the first half of season two and BJ's recovery from the bashing.

Hollowed )
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Gusmas 2011 [Nov. 29th, 2011|11:28 pm]
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Title: Lies We Tell Ourselves
Author: [info]jule1122
Prompt: The Last Time

Brian gave Justin’s nipple ring a sharp tug, laughing when Justin gasped and began rocking his hips faster. Brian tugged the ring again, but it was his turn to gasp when Justin’s clenched his ass hard around his cock.

Not ready to relinquish control, Brian slowed his thrusts until he was barely moving. Justin protested, but Brian held him still with a hand on his hip. They weren’t doing this again, and Brian intended to take his time. One last fuck then Justin was going back home to Mommy and Daddy permanently. Brian planned to enjoy every second of it.
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Gusmas 2011: The Night Stands Still [Nov. 29th, 2011|12:09 pm]

Title: The Night Stands Still
Series: Recovery
Author: [info]museme87
Prompt(s): Nov. 25th - Thankful
Warnings: This part deals with the night of Justin's bashing
Notes: It's my intention to turn this into a 37 part drabble series centering around missing moments from the first half of season two and BJ's recovery from the bashing.

The Night Stands Still )
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Gusmas 2011 [Nov. 29th, 2011|11:31 am]

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Title: Retreat
Series: New York Stories Drabble Series
Author: [info]frantic_quest
Prompt: Country road in Fall
Notes: Drabylon Dollar! This is a drabble series set several years post-513 looking at Brian & Justin's life together in NYC. Not necessarily linear.
Retreat )
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Gusmas 2011 [Nov. 28th, 2011|08:40 pm]
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Title: It Still Hurts
Author: [info]brianswalk
Prompt: Thankful and Autumn leaves photo
Warnings: a little angsty.
A/N: A double drabble, so 2 [info]drabylon dollars.
A/N2: Thank you, Jeannie. All mistakes are my own or intentional.

It Still Hurts

Read more... )
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Gusmas 2011 [Nov. 28th, 2011|06:37 pm]
[mood |excited]

Title: Christmas Compromises, part 1
Series: Christmas Compromises
Author: Moonbrightnites
Prompt: Thankful
Notes: This is a series which will include all of the prompts (I hope!)

It takes Justin forty minutes to wrestle the Christmas tree into their living room, settle the trunk into the base, and kick it into a more-or-less vertical position. By the time he finishes his pale skin is marred by a half-dozen bright red scratches and his nose runs from an unsurprising allergy to pine.

“I don’t care,” he snaps at Brian before his long-time partner can say anything sarcastic. “Fifteen years we’ve been together – it’s time we had our own tree.”

Brian ponders several caustic responses before changing his mind. “Thank you,” he replies sincerely, leaning in for a kiss.
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Gusmas 2011 [Nov. 27th, 2011|11:54 pm]
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Title: All I Want is You
Author: [info]jule1122
Prompt: Restless
Notes: Title taken from U2

Brian paced the length of the room, resisting the urge to check his appearance again. His tie was perfect, every hair was in place. He looked amazing, and he knew it.

The door opened behind him, and he turned, expecting to see Michael ready to escort him or Gus with one last question. Instead, Justin stood in the doorway, his tux different than the one they’d picked years ago, but he was just as beautiful; his smile stilling Brian’s steps, his thoughts, his breath.

“Second thoughts?” Justin teased while holding out his hand.

Brian laced their fingers together, “Not one.”
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Gusmus 2011 [Nov. 27th, 2011|08:42 pm]

Title: Jamaica
Author: jugurl2012
Prompt(s): Thankful, Sunshine
Notes: For brianswalk, I’m a QAF fanfic author who’s now published under the name Lacey Wallace at Dreamspinner Press

It was hot in Jamaica, the sun hitting Justin’s pale face. He needed to remember sunscreen or risk getting burnt.

Even so, he had to admit it was more comfortable than being frozen solid in either Pittsburgh or New York.

Brian and Justin had decided to have a scorching hot Thanksgiving and face the wrath of Debbie for missing the family gathering.

They had a lot to be thankful for after all. It was coming up to be nearly 3 years since Justin set out for his New York adventure and in another six months, he’d be home for good.
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Gusmas 2011: The Tipping Point [Nov. 27th, 2011|05:37 pm]

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Title: Tipping Point
Author: Xie
Prompt(s): Each of the seven images, in order.
Notes A 7-drabble series for each of the images, per [info]not_yet_defined's challenge!

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Gusmas 2011 [Nov. 27th, 2011|02:13 pm]

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Title: Catalyst
Series: New York Stories Drabble Series
Author: [info]frantic_quest
Prompt: Rapid Deceleration
Notes: Drabylon Dollar, baby! This is a drabble series set several years post-513 looking at Brian & Justin's life together in NYC. Not necessarily linear.
Catalyst )
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Gusmas 2011 [Nov. 27th, 2011|09:51 am]
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Title: Deja Vu
Author: [info]jule1122
Prompt: 1st Pictute Prompt-fall woods

“Why are we going to Grandma’s next month for Thanksgiving when today is Thanksgiving?” Gus asked.

“Because we live in Canada, and we celebrate Thanksgiving today. Grandma and your fathers live in America, and their Thanksgiving is in November.” Lindsay watched JR running ahead, kicking at the few leaves that had fallen, and realized thinking about Thanksgiving in Pittsburgh no longer made her sad or homesick.

Lindsay squeezed Melanie’s hand and shared a smile with her wife. They had so much to be thankful for.

“Grandma’s Thanksgiving is better because I get to miss school,” Gus declared before joining JR.
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Gusmas 2011 [Nov. 26th, 2011|11:13 pm]
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Title: Staying in Place
Author: [info]jule1122
Prompt: Rapid deceleration

Michael slammed on the brakes, bringing Ted’s car to a sudden halt at the entrance to the alley. “Get in,” he yelled when Hunter approached the window.

“I’m working.” The enticing smile vanished from Hunter’s face.

“Get in the fucking car,” Michael threw a twenty at him.

“I thought you’d never ask,” Hunter sneered.

“Shut the fuck up and listen. You’re done hustling. You have a family now. I don’t care if you think we’re too strict or you want to impress Brian by picking up killers. No more fucking tricks. Got it?”

Hunter slumped down in the seat. “Yeah.”
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Gusmas 2011 [Nov. 25th, 2011|11:40 pm]

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Title: All Clear
Series: New York Stories Drabble Series
Author: [info]frantic_quest
Prompt: Thankful
Notes: Welcome Gusmastime! A drabble series set several years post-513 looking at Brian & Justin's life together in NYC. Not necessarily linear. Drabylon Dollar!!!
All Clear )
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Gusmas 2011 [Nov. 25th, 2011|10:35 pm]
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Title: The Weight of Gratitude
Author: [info]jule1122
Prompt: Thankful
Notes: I guess I am kicking things off this year. Happy Gusmas everyone! This is one of those rare drabbles that came to exactly 100 words on the first try so hopefully I didn't miss any mistakes:)

Brian stroked Justin’s hair, a quiet “thank you” falling from his lips.

“Did you just thank me for blowing you?” Justin asked, barely lifting his head from where it rested on Brian’s thigh.

Brian froze, the floor suddenly cold and hard beneath his back. He wanted to make a joke, but he couldn’t. Not after Justin said yes, and he realized, finally, how much he wanted this, how much it meant to him. But he’d already laid himself as bare as he could.

Then Justin smiled, his eyes filled with warmth and understanding. “You can thank me by fucking me.”
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The 37 Days of Gusmas 2011 [Nov. 25th, 2011|01:20 am]


The 37 Days of Gusmas 2011
A Queer as Folk Fundraising Drabble-athon to Benefit The Ali Forney Center,
The Nation's Largest Organization Dedicated to Homeless LGBT Youth.

Nearly 4,000 kids who identify as LGBT sleep on the streets of New York City every night. The Ali Forney Center was founded to try to help those kids stay safe and alive, but in the face of massive budget cuts, the battle's getting harder, not easier. (Please read this story for more information -- bring kleenex.)

With thousands of children all over the country still being kicked out of the parents' home for being queer -- just like Justin -- and living by prostitution and drug addiction while on the streets -- just like Hunter -- the InsaneJournal [info]qaf_drabbles community and LJ's drabylon have joined together to support this great cause -- which is also the cause we raised money for in the first Gusmas challenge.

In the spirit of the Gusmas Season, let's try to exceed last year's donation of just under $1,300 and help the Ali Forney Center continue its work of keeping our kids alive long enough to grow up.

Here's how it works... )
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