Queer as Folk Drabbles - August 3rd, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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August 3rd, 2011

Challenge #205: Closed // Challenge #206: Planes, trains, buses, cars [Aug. 3rd, 2011|04:17 pm]


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Wow! 11 condoms for Brian, only 4 for poor Emmett... but it looks like that photo of Brian's arms was as inspirational to our drabblers as it's always been to me. ;)

And I guess the (ahem) little extra time I gave didn't hurt either.

Our new prompt is: Planes, trains, buses, cars.

I'd already done a battle between "Brian following Justin to New York in 110" and "Brian following Justin to New York in 601," which is the obvious battle for this challenge as well. So I really thought and thought; what would be the perfect challenge for this prompt?

I thought for so long that three days went by, at which point a girl has to realize she's really over-thinking. So I used the random number generator to get two episodes, and came up with 219 and 412.

Hmmm, 219, episode of searing agony, vs 412, one of my favorite all-time episodes? That didn't seem fair. No, not at all.

So then I randomly picked two icons by scrolling through my icons with my eyes closed and touching the screen before I opened them.

The first one I got was this, by rebeccama:

The second was this, by ohfreckle:

I tried, fangirls. I really did. I just didn't feel any inspiration there. I mean, I love both those icons. I really do. But do you see a battle there? Me neither.

And everything else I thought up, we'd already done. Brian's cock vs Justin's ass. Brian's hair vs Justin's hair, or their hair in one season vs their hair in another. Butt sex vs cock sucking, chicken soup vs yak shit tea, Michael as best friend vs Daphne as best friend, the Corvette vs the Jeep, you name it, it seems we'd done it.

So, having exhausted every last bit of creativity I possessed and begged my muses to come up with something -- ANYTHING -- to allow me to post this damn prompt, I gave up. I was curled in the fetal position considering having it be a battle between testicular cancer and scar tissue on the brain -- so help me, that's what I was thinking -- when it hit me.

I ask you to choose between the two things we love the most about our beloved show and the fan fiction it has inspired. Ladies and, if there are any at all, gentlemen, our battle this week is:



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Outside of Challenge - Metaphors [Aug. 3rd, 2011|07:10 pm]


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[Current Location |home office]
[mood |grumpy]

Title: Metaphors
Author: [info]rainbow1907
Beta: Many thanks to my wonderful beta LJ User buckeye5 !!! Any remaining mistakes are mine.
Author's Note: Written for the July 2011 challenge at LJ Community drabblechalleng. Post 513.

“You know… you’re like an onion,” Justin remarked casually during their dinner preparations.

“Food metaphors again, Sunshine?” Brian snarked sharper than intended, his hackles rising at being compared to a smelly vegetable that, for whatever mysterious reasons, had to be put in copious quantities into the French gratin thingy the twat had decided they should have for dinner tonight.

Totally unruffled, Justin continued. “Yes. You peel back layers and layers and there are always more. You’re the most complex person ever.”

He smiled, his voice soft. "One day, you’ll know that you don’t need to wear any masks around me."

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