Queer as Folk Drabbles - December 19th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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December 19th, 2010

Gusmas 2010 [Dec. 19th, 2010|01:03 pm]


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[Current Location |at home]
[mood |busy]
[music |Christmas music]

Title: It is the Season 24 - Fathers And Sons
Author: [info]rainbow1907
Prompt: December 19 - Fathers and sons
Beta: Many thanks to my wonderful beta LJ User buckeye5! All remaining mistakes are mine.
Author's Note: Drabble Series for [info]drabylon dollars!

Brian could see that something was bothering Justin. Or more like someone was bothering him, Brian thought, silently cursing Craig Taylor.

“So, you gonna talk about it?”

Justin shrugged and offered a weak grin.

“I went to see him at the hospital...”


“Nothing new, I guess… He had a heart-attack but will be alright. The paramedics got to him in time.”

He looked down at his feet and shrugged again.

“It was awkward. But seeing as I sort of saved his life he was very polite.”

The fucker!

Closing the remaining distance Brian pulled him into a tight embrace.
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Gusmas 2010 [Dec. 19th, 2010|10:16 pm]
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Title: Angel Wings and Oregano
Author: [info]brianswalk
Word Count: 100
Prompt December 11/Angel Wings
A/N: Thank you, my bestest Jeannie! And we rack up another [info]drabylon dollar!

Angel Wings and Oregano

“Stop flapping your wings at me; it tickles!”

“You weren’t complaining two hours ago,” Vic responded as he stalked towards Rodney playfully.

“Down boy,” he laughed. “Look! She’s about to put more oregano in the gravy.”

“Oh, Sis! What is she thinking? She’ll ruin— way to go, Carl!” he cheered when Carl distracted Deb with a kiss as he liberated the spice from her hand.

“He’s a good man, Vic. Deb’s lucky she found him.”

“I’m not sure luck had anything to do with it. After watching The Big Guy in action, seems it was a match made in heaven.”
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