Queer as Folk Drabbles - November 5th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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November 5th, 2010

Drabble "Standing Proud" - Challenge # 181 - Gossip [Nov. 5th, 2010|09:34 pm]


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[Current Location |at home]
[mood |confused]
[music |Abba, Dancing Queen]

Title: Standing Proud
Author: [info]rainbow1907
Fandom: Queer As Folk US
Pairing: Emmett/George
Word Count: 100
Rating: R
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: I don't own anything, no copyright infringement intended, just playing with the boys...
Author's Note: This is for the the [info]qaf_drabbles challenge # 181 gossip, it is the first time I'm posting here, please tell me if I'm not posting correctly!
And the condom goes to: Emmett
Feedback: Yes, please! Rena

Standing Proud )
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