Queer as Folk Drabbles - October 24th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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October 24th, 2010

Challenge #179: Blake [Oct. 24th, 2010|03:57 pm]
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[mood |curious]

Title: Making amends (challenge #179: Blake)
Time frame: somewhere between 314 and 401
Condom:King of Babylon

Dear Ted


Please forgive

I know that you can't possibly forgive me

Thank you for being the first person who ever believed in me.

I am so sorry that I let you down.

that I left

Bullshit.“ Blake exclaimed furiously, crumpled up another piece of paper and threw it away. From time to time, Blake tried again. He never managed to forgive himself, but he managed to forget.

After the first shock of meeting him again as a patient, Blake decided to push his personal feelings aside and tried to be the best counselor Ted could possibly find.

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