Queer as Folk Drabbles - February 4th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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February 4th, 2010

One Time Pimpage [Feb. 4th, 2010|04:19 pm]



Have you signed-up for the new theme at [info]bj_action yet?
Why not?
You only have one day left to sign-up
although we totally take last minute sign-ups as long as your fic is turned in on time.

Click here for more info and to sign-up!

Never wrote fanfic before? No worries. [info]bj_action has a long tradition of busting cherries. I can't believe I just wrote that. Hee.
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Challenge #147: Quotes [Feb. 4th, 2010|09:24 pm]


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Title: Change in Plans
Author's Note: Post513.*smooches* to [info]leela_cat for the beta, remaining mistakes are mine.
Quote: I was pretty sure you were going to fuck me.
And the condom goes to: Brian

Justin relaxes into the mattress, a smug grin dancing around the edges of his mouth. His body is sweaty and loose, completely sated.

He hears Brian mumble, the actual words lost in the post-orgasmic hum of white noise still flitting in his ears. Rolling his head to the right, Justin asks, "Huh?"

Brian arches a brow. "You look like the cat who got the cream."

"I was pretty sure you were going to fuck me."

"Yeah, well." Brian rolls his lips together and shrugs. "I felt like making love instead."

The little grin grows into a full-fledged smile. "I noticed."
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