Queer as Folk Drabbles - August 23rd, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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August 23rd, 2009

Challenge #129: Five Words [Aug. 23rd, 2009|11:29 am]
[Tags|, ]
[Current Location |home office]
[mood |exhausted]
[music |Smile Empty Soul]

Title: Dreaming
Author's Note: Unbeta'd
Condom: Ted

Justin rolled over and pulled the pillow over his head. He was tired, hung over and the beautiful tropical view from the patio windows hurt his eyes. It was too bright and too warm even with the wind gently blowing through the curtains.


Suddenly he felt a pair of familiar lips across his back.


“Brian” he sighed.


“BRIAN?!” he heard in response.


Peeking from underneath the pillow he saw the angry face of Ethan.


“Where’s Brian? Why are you here?” Justin began to hyperventilate.


“Shhhh. It’s just a bad dream,” Brian whispered as Justin continued to thrash in his sleep.

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Challenge #129: Five Words [Aug. 23rd, 2009|06:04 pm]
[Tags|, ]
[Current Location |home office]
[mood |exhausted]
[music |Smile Empty Soul]

Title: Oblivion
Timeline: Season 4
Author's Note: Unbeta'd
Condom: Ted

His lips were dry. His body hurt. The pillow underneath him wasn’t comfortable. The view from his hospital room was a six story parking structure next door. He watched as the wind blew leaves around in a circle on the roof.


Pushing on the morphine drip he slowly descended into a restless sleep….dreaming of blond hair, blue eyes, and a bright smile. He could feel smooth skin and taut muscles underneath his finger tips…almost taste the unique flavor of Justin.


He didn’t wake during the nurse’s routine vital check or dressing change. He was lost in the world of Sunshine.

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