Queer as Folk Drabbles - May 4th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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May 4th, 2009

challenge #113: sleep/sleeping/sleepy [May. 4th, 2009|08:34 pm]
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[mood |sick]

Title: When I sleep, I...
Author's notes: I had a really arduous time trying to make this 100 words, and I hope I've done the tags correctly. I also really need some help with a story I'm working on. Does anybody know Claire's younger son's name? Not John (the little punk) but his brother. Otherwise, I'll just make one up (or somebody help me make one up). And, oh no, Ted's losing so...
The condom goes to: Ted

The blinking light of answering machines had this infuriating way of bugging the shit out of you when you tried to ignore it, so finally, Brian pressed “play”.

“Brian, it’s Michael. I know you really don’t give a shit, but I’m worried about you.”

Brian sighed and stood, swaying on the spot, to retrieve another drink.

“You weren’t at Babylon, and Justin… Anyway, I hope you’re sleeping. Bye.”

Brian scoffed. Fuck sleep. He didn’t want to sleep. Because every time he closed his eyes he saw…

Brian finally passed out on the sofa. His lips mouthed the whispered name. “Justin…”
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Challenge #113: Sleep/Sleeping/Sleepy [May. 4th, 2009|09:08 pm]
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Title: Behind Glass
Notes: Thank you to [info]vl_redreign for the quick beta! Title taken from the following lyrics from Morrissey’s song “My Life is a Succession of People Saying Goodbye.”
And all of the best things in life
Are behind glass
Money, jewelry and flesh

Condom: Ted

Brian toyed with his cigarette and watched Justin sleep. He was quiet tonight, letting Brian pretend he was watching Justin from doorway of his bedroom. There would be nothing between them; no glass, no guilt, nothing to stop him joining Justin, only distance Brian could close in heartbeat.

Justin stirred, and Brian stepped back, out of Justin’s line of sight, suddenly grateful for the barrier between them. He never let Justin see him, never let their eyes meet; knowing if they did, and he saw Justin’s eyes filled with pain and fear instead of desire, the illusion would be shattered.
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