Queer as Folk Drabbles - January 9th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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January 9th, 2009

Outside of the Challenge.... [Jan. 9th, 2009|03:29 pm]


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Title: Anyone Know the Name of a Good Detailer?
Author: [info]outlander

A drabble outside of the challenge. Written for [info]dirtylttlescret who is trapped at work and all of my "friends" who have seen fit to laugh at the pain of my unfortunate incident. ROTF
If this makes no sense what so ever, please see this post: http://outlander.insanejournal.com/18917.html

Tightening his scarf against the bitter cold, Emmett just shook his head over the whole mess. And damn, what a mess.

The doctors are sure Michael’s going to make a full recovery, but there is no way Debbie’s going to let Carl get the assault charges against Brian dropped. Do they even allow conjugal visits at Western Pen? For Justin’s sake, he hoped so. Those two surviving three to six without each other? Not a chance.

Well, one new family rule came out of all this. No more Diet Coke for anyone, until spring. And never again in the Corvette.
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*Challenge #98: bubbles* [Jan. 9th, 2009|07:47 pm]
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Title: Today's Lesson Is...
Notes: Thank you to the lovely [info]jule1122 for her quick beta. This only uses the word bubble and isn't about bubbles at all, but I think it'll qualify. I *almost* gave my condom to Cynthia, just to show that I *could* give them to someone besides Brian, but I'm pretty sure this is the 3rd week for him, so he'll be out next week and I'll have to give them to someone else anyway. So, it's Brian again. Darn. ;-)
And the condom goes to: Brian Kinney

Justin, who seconds ago had been sucking down fetuccini like there was no tomorrow, hastily put his plate in the sink and made a bee-line for the stairs. The very stairs Brian had climbed just moments before.

“Sunshine!” Debbie’s voice brooked no resistance. “Get that cute little bubble butt back down here right this second!”

Justin rolled his eyes and sighed heavily, slowly clumping back down, sure that Debbie had ruined his plans for fun and fellatio with Brian.

“Next time, Sweetface,” Debbie shook her finger. “you say ‘excuse me’ before you leave the room to go fuck Brian.”
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*Challenge #98: bubbles* [Jan. 9th, 2009|09:34 pm]
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TItle: All Better
Notes: Bubbles. Kids love 'em. Thank you [info]dirtylttlescret for reading it over for me.
And the condom goes to: Brian Kinney.

Gus was sitting in Justin's lap and happily playing with a bottle of bubbles when Brian came into the diner.

"What are you doing with my kid?" Brian asked, sliding into the booth and smiling broadly at Gus.

"Lindsay had an appointment and Mel couldn't ge--"

"Fuck!" Brian yelled as Gus leaned toward him, spilling bubbles across Brian's suit and tie.

Gus's face scrunched up. Instantly, Brian pulled him into his lap, saying, "It's ok, Gus. It's ok." Gus relaxed, his worry vanished.

Later, when Brian complained to Lindsay about his ruined Martin Margiela suit, Justin smiled and knew better.
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*Challenge #98: bubbles* [Jan. 9th, 2009|10:31 pm]
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Title: Enough Already
Notes: Thank you, [info]dirtylttlescret for reading over this for me.
And the condom goes to: Brian Kinney.

Justin was bubbling over with excitement. Unable to contain it, he called Daphne. Constantly.

"I can't believe we're going away!" Justin gushed. Daph was thrilled, it certainly didn't seem like something Brian would do. By the fifth call, her enthusiasm was diminishing, but Justin's was at an all-time high.

"God, Justin, you're acting like he's the second coming. It's just a trip to Vermont." She could practically hear Justin pouting in the silence. "But, it'll be fantastic!" she added.

When her phone rang for the ninth time in an hour, she'd had enough. Hitting decline, she closed her phone.
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