Queer as Folk Drabbles - November 22nd, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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November 22nd, 2008

Challenge # 92: Jeans [Nov. 22nd, 2008|12:18 pm]
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[Current Location |Justin's pants]
[music |BSB still *snickers*]

Title: The Fabric of Our Lives: A Series of drabbles all related (A)
Notes: This isn't betad and I warn you, it is a really bad thought that was reflected from viewing so many Justindelicousass! icons made by [info]qafmaniac and having a great mood lift thanks to Bunny. It is pure fun and stupidity.
Condom: Justin's (this is going to sound repetitive now that I've started)

Thank you for choosing me today.
Yes. You’re right. I do hug your soft ass perfectly. And I’m just tight enough to support your balls and cock. I don’t mind our other cotton friend, but I’m happy you chose not to put him between us today.

I won’t even mind it when that gorgeous man rubs himself against us. I’ll try my best to accommodate your growing dick when he touches you. I won’t care when you leave that sticky sweet juice on me. And when he takes me from you, I’ll just watch and wait until we meet again.
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Challenge #92: jeans [Nov. 22nd, 2008|09:13 pm]
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[mood |cold]

Title: Bliss
Author: Tena
Condom: Justin

Denim barely hugging the hips, top button open, treasure trail visible. Lips licked, eyes looking down at the jeans again, following as the fabric cupped his perfect ass, and hung loosely on his long, muscular legs. Touching now, fingers releasing the rest of the buttons, following the treasure trail to the jewels inside.

Brian’s jeans sliding down his legs, happily commando tonight. Fingers gripping the hard cock softly, stoking rhythmically, lips kissing, tongues touching. Two pairs of jeans on the floor, bodies tangled on the bed, rocking, sweating, moaning, kissing.

Backs arched, names whispered… Justin… Brian. Bliss, sated, breathing, sleeping.
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