Queer as Folk Drabbles - August 15th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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August 15th, 2008

*Challenge #79: Rain* [Aug. 15th, 2008|04:10 pm]
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Title: That Rainy Day Feeling
Notes: This is a double drabble for [info]happier_bunny, thanks for the bunny! I enjoyed thinking and writing about this. Thanks to [info]xie_xie_xie for her wonderful beta skills.
And the condom goes to: Two for Debbie.

Brian watched a frog kick aimlessly across the deep end of the pool, dark green in the expanse of blue. Rain fell steadily, almost silently. Brian stared at the water, his thoughts drifting to places he hadn’t intended to go. He shifted in the chaise, stretching tired limbs and trying to relax.

He’d come to the house after work, hoping that the quiet of a rainy weekend would help him focus on the project he needed to finish and not on Justin. But this was Justin’s house and Justin wasn’t here. Brian closed his eyes, willing himself not to think.


The rain fell heavily now, bouncing off the water in the pool. Justin stood at the door to the back deck, watching Brian sleep. He’d kicked his shoes off and thrown his jacket over the chaise next to him. Exhaustion etched his face, even while asleep, but Brian was so beautiful it made Justin's heart ache.

He closed the door softly, making his way to Brian. Kneeling beside him on the deck, Justin leaned in, kissing Brian lightly. Stirring a bit, Brian opened his eyes. And without a word, he pulled Justin on top of him, never breaking their kiss.
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challenge #79: rain [Aug. 15th, 2008|11:19 pm]
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[mood |anxious]

Title: Rain Game
Author: Camlaw 
Note: My First Drabble 
Condom: Debbie 

“It’s Raining Men,” Emmett exclaimed.


“Blame it on the Rain,” Michael replied.


“Singing in the Rain,” Ted offered.


Brian glanced at Ted. “Exactly how old are you, Theodore?”


“Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head,” Debbie answered.


“Don’t Rain on My Parade,” Emmett sighed. “Oh Barbra.”


“Purple Rain,” Michael stated.


“Red Rain,” Ben countered.


“Covered in Rain,” Justin responded.


“Rain, rain,” Emmett gushed. “I love Cher!”


Brian continued to stare outside the diner window. How this game began he didn’t know, but he was content to just sit and wait out the storm.

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