Queer as Folk Drabbles - June 4th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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June 4th, 2008

*Challenge #68: Woody's* [Jun. 4th, 2008|12:48 pm]
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Title:Wood at Woody's
Notes: I haven't written a drabble in a long time. This is for [info]happier_bunny. She suggested I write about Brian beating Justin at pool. &hearts
And the condom goes to: Brian. :-D

Justin was horny. He tried slyly to bring Brian’s attention to that fact, making sure he touched him every time he passed to make another shot.

Finally, Brian acknowledged Justin’s crisis.

“Hmmmm...looks like Sunshine’s got a woody at Woody’s.” He pulled Justin hard against him.

“The better to fuck you with,” Justin smiled.

Brian snorted. “In your dreams.”

“Let’s bet. If I win this game, you let me fuck you tonight.”

This time Brian laughed out loud.

“You’re on.”

Hours later, ass in the air with Brian pounding into him, Justin decided he’d gladly let Brian win any time.
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MAY I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE... [Jun. 4th, 2008|05:13 pm]


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[mood |busy]


After a discussion with [info]faile02 and [info]bookgirl24, we've decided to try something new.

From now on, we're going to have a weekly CONDOM BATTLE between 2 people.

This is how things will work: Whichever character wins the most condoms today will move ahead to be matched up with a computer generated random character.

So, for example, if Ted wins today, he moves forward and then goes against Debbie (who was randomly picked). You can only award your condom to one of these 2 characters.

We really hope that this will be a lot of fun!

~stay tuned for the challenge change later tonight~
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Challenge #68 is CLOSED//Challenge #69 is Season 3 [Jun. 4th, 2008|09:21 pm]
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[mood |thoughtful]

Thank you to everyone who drabbled this week. It was a close race.

Justin 3
Carl 1
Ben 2
Ted 1
Vic 1
Micheal 5

and the winner with 6 condoms is Brian brian Photobucket

Our next challenge takes place anytime during Season Three. The battle for the condoms will be between Brian, our current winner, and Vic.

Remember, you don't have to write about them but the condom must be awarded to either Brian or Vic.

Happy Drabbling :)
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Challenge #68: Woody's - Alone Together [Jun. 4th, 2008|09:54 pm]


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[music |One Sweet Love-Sara Bareilles-Little Voice]

Author: [info]faile02
Title: Alone Together
Notes: Post - S5... just the tiniest bit angsty
And the condom goes to: Brian!

Daphne was there the morning the Justin snuck away. It was her car that he packed up, her gas that got him to the train station, her tears that stained his t-shirt. She watched the train disappear down the tracks. Daphne went home, went about her life.

That night she was at Woody’s, and suddenly there was no Justin buffer. For the first time ever, she was alone in a queer world.

“Beer?” And then Brian was there, sitting at the stool across from her. At least, if they were going to be alone, they could be alone together.
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