Queer as Folk Drabbles - December 6th, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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December 6th, 2007

Challenge #41: Justin's hoody [Dec. 6th, 2007|05:17 pm]


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Since no one changed the challenge yet, [info]xie_xie_xie (not her real name) said I should come post my hoody kitten drabble and give the condom to Justin.

Author: Rebel
Title: Good Morning
Condom: Justin

Good Morning

By Rebel

Brian had worked all night on the account the new (now fired) account exec had fucked up. There was coffee next to his hand, and Justin’s backside disappearing out the door of the media room.


Justin turned. “I’m taking Rage to his vet appointment.”

Brian squinted. “Why the fuck are you wearing that thing? I didn’t even know you still had it.”

Justin grinned. “It’s the perfect shirt.”

As Brian regarded his partner over the edge of the coffee cup, Rage poked his little head out of the pocket of the hoody and gave Brian a revoltingly cheerful “Meow.”

The story continues here.
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A drabble about NOTHING [Dec. 6th, 2007|06:47 pm]


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Title: Story Ideas
Author: Vamphile

I didn't check the challenge. This isn't a Hustler!Justin Drabble.

Story Ideas

Justin and Michael were tossing ideas back and forth.

“Rage could find Zephyr and teach him the secret of mind control.”

“Rage could sweep JT off to his lair and fuck him better.”

“Why does he need to be fucked better?”

Justin shrugged. “I don’t know, we can fill that part in later.”

Michael snorted. “You just want to use something you’ve already drawn.”


They turned their head when Brian entered. He took Justin’s hand and dragged him out of the store.

“Hey! Where are you two going?”

“To fuck JT better.”

Michael rolled his eyes and called Ben.
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Challenge #41: Justin's Hoody [Dec. 6th, 2007|06:49 pm]


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Title:  Shopping Ideas
Author: Philflam
Condom(s): As always, Brian - I just can't help myself

Since we don't have a new topic yet, I'll post this one that I wrote but didn't post last week:

“We have to go shopping – I can’t stand seeing you in that hoody again.”

 “You don’t expect me to dress like you, do you?  I can’t afford it and it really doesn’t fit my personality.”

“No, just maybe wear some grown up, big boy clothes once in a while.  It couldn’t hurt and it might impress some people at the gallery.”

“I’m an artist, I can dress anyway I want.”

“I’m buying - and you can blow me in the dressing room.”

“How about you blowing me in the dressing room?”

“Anything if it means seeing you in new clothes!”

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