Queer as Folk COFFEECLUB - October 3rd, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Queer As Folk Coffee Club

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October 3rd, 2010

Queer as Folk Drug Use [Oct. 3rd, 2010|03:03 pm]



Can anyone explain the drug use? I am confused. I don't know what a speed bump is. And I don't know what Brian is snorting when we see him snort white powder (nor what Justin is snorting when see him do it), though I am assuming it's cocaine, since it's cleaner and more expensive and easier to sober up from (not causing a big low like with crystal). But, isn't a speed bump crystal? I know Brian snorts bumps and also gives them to Michael. And he uses ecstasy and special K and has fed one or both of these to Michael, presumably more than once.

Now, I understand that there's a difference between recreational use of drugs and being an addict, which is what Ted becomes. But I don't understand how the show makes it seem like trying crystal even once seems like this huge taboo to people who use many different types of (what I consider) hard drugs (and Brian and Justin even spike the punch at Linds and Mel's brunch).

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