Queer as Folk COFFEECLUB - June 5th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Queer As Folk Coffee Club

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June 5th, 2010

Characters' DOB's [Jun. 5th, 2010|04:21 pm]

I've been trying to figure out the QAF characters' DOB's (actually just year they were born) for a fic I'm writing.

Any input would be appreciated, as I'm not sure about what I came up with!

This is what I've come up with so far:
Brian DOB 1970
Justin DOB 1983
Ted DOB 1966
Michael DOB 1969
Ben DOB _____??????????????
Debbie DOB 1952
Emmett DOB 1973????
Hunter DOB 1988??????????
Melanie DOB _____????????
Lindsay DOB 1970???????
Gus DOB 2000
J.R. DOB 2004

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