Queer as Folk COFFEECLUB - January 9th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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January 9th, 2010

Announcement of another debate with a bad word in it [Jan. 9th, 2010|03:28 pm]



Hello, this is Rebel.

Even though I am in heaven now, [info]xie_xie_xie  (not her real name) can still hear me thinking, so she typed a story for me at Christmas and now she says I owe her a favor.

I don't think that's true because she made me wait a very long time to type for me, but the angels said when you're in heaven you have to be nice all the time so I have told her I would do what she wanted.

Mostly I like heaven but this particular rule seems unfair.

[info]xie_xie_xie  (which, as I said before, is not really her name) and [info]happier_bunny  (which is also a false name, which I think since she is a lawyer might not be right) were having a disagreement about the scene in 308 where Brian tells Justin he has to work long hard hours in the night and then Justin closes the door.

I do not understand that scene because first they have clothes, then they don't, and then they do again. So I don't watch that part.

[info]xie_xie_xie  (not real name etc) says that it was wrong to close the door and [info]happier_bunny  (etc) says it was right, and they can't agree and when they asked me I said, maybe you should have a debate and a vote like the last time you didn't agree.

And [info]xie_xie_xie  (etc) was very happy with this idea and, well, I'm glad she's happy but it means I have to moderate another debate. Which I wouldn't mind if it wasn't for the bad word in it.

So I will be moderating the Second Great Fucking (sorry!) Debate on Sunday at 7 PM the time it is in New York and 4 PM the time it is in San Francisco where I lived before I lived in heaven.

Just come to [info]qaf_coffeeclub  at those times and see the debate. Then you will get a chance to vote in a poll that I am making so we can see who wins. You should probably watch that scene in 308 a few times before the debate, so you can be a fully informed voter.

But I still won't watch it because of the confusion about the clothes.

My friend [info]qafmaniac  (I think that's not her real name, either. What's wrong with you humans?) made this pretty picture to go with the debate. I hope you like it very much, and I will see you tomorrow at the Second Great Fucking (still sorry about the bad word) Debate.


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