Queer as Folk COFFEECLUB - May 31st, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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May 31st, 2009

PSA: Firefox Add On lets you read fic, blog off line [May. 31st, 2009|09:23 pm]


[Current Mood | bouncy]

Okay, so normally I wouldn't post this here, but it is basically a public service announcement.

There is a nifty bookmark add on feature for Firefox that let's you grab anything you read online and save it to read offline.

Think about all the times you would like to read something, but don't have the time. And, when you do have the time - like when you are on a plane or train and don't have access to the Internet, being able to read the day's blog postings or some majorly great fanfic?

The tool called "Read It Later" has the advantage of collecting what is in your tab, or window and adding it to a reading list. In other words, you can open up a bunch of tabs, with your friends journals and favorite asylums and capture them to read off line later.

Yes, finally for all of you out there who want to your fic at the places that there is no internet connection, you can take it with you.

It integrates with standard book marking tools such as del.icio.us, digg, stumbleupon, etc or the bookmark feature in Firefox itself.

This also will allow you to save fic to pdf (print to pdf) or word processor (select all, cut and paste) at a later date for those things you absolutely must save to your harddrive.

To get this add on, first of all you need to be using Firefox - it can be downloaded from: http://mozilla.org

Once Firefox is installed, use the drop down menu for Bookmarks and click through on the link:
+ Get Bookmark Add-ons

Scroll down the list of add-ons about 3/4 of the way.
Click through on the link for:
Read It Later by Idea Shower

Once you add it to Firefox, there is a link to a two minute demonstration of how to use the add-on.
It's worth watching, but is probably PC, because I had to do a little fiddling around to get it to work on my mac.

You can set it up to save everything you tag with Read It Later to be available to be read off line.

You do need to toggle the Work Offline switch to read what you have saved to read off line. It's off of the File pull down menu.

Good luck, I hope others here find it as useful as I do.
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