Queer as Folk COFFEECLUB - January 31st, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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January 31st, 2009

High off Paint Fumes and Artist!Justin [Jan. 31st, 2009|11:29 am]


Artist!Justin is a huge love of mine. I melt into those fics where the writers do an amazing job of describing his process or pieces. It makes me so happy when I can almost smell the paint fumes, see the colors, itch to go grab a brush myself. On the other hand, bad descriptions of his stuff pull me right out of the story.

So after musing with [info]notreallyme10 about Artist!Justin this morning, I have a question for all you artist types...
Well, actually for everyone.

Justin excels at painting, drawing, even graphic design. Is it common for artists to excel across different mediums? I like to paint, but couldn't draw my way out of a paper bag.

So, obviously I need to take a poll:

Poll #3124 The amazing talents of Artist!Justin
Open to: All, results viewable to: All

Is it common for artists to excel in various mediums?

View Answers

Excuse me? Did you not pay attention in art history? That is very common.
7 (22.6%)

No, while they may dabble in other areas, most artists do one thing really, really well.
2 (6.5%)

Pffft. Stop projecting your own lack of talent onto poor Justin
2 (6.5%)

Silly [info]outlander, Justin wins at everything. Of course this includes all art forms.
27 (87.1%)

While I know what the overwhelming answer will be *snort* I really am curious about this.

And if you wanna rec any good Artist!Justin fics, my Saturday morning kink, I would smackle you madly.
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