Queer as Folk COFFEECLUB - August 31st, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Queer As Folk Coffee Club

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August 31st, 2008

It's Oh So Quiet [Aug. 31st, 2008|01:16 pm]


Music is a huge part of Queer as Folk no shit, Ny, really?. For the most part my love of certain songs was multiplied by suddenly being able to associate it with my favorite show. But in a couple of cases the show took some of my favorite songs and ruined them horribly for me.

Namely Love Song by The Cure, which plays in 218 when Justin is with Ethan, and Human Behaviour by Bjork, which plays in 220 when Justin leaves Babylon with Ethan.

I have really tried to get over it. But these songs were on my ipod long before i found qaf, and now they are utterly ruined for me. i can't listen to them without feeling incredibly sad.

On the other end of the spectrum. There are some songs I already loved, which made me squee with delight when I heard them on QAF. You Look So Fine, by Garbage, in episode 120, for example and Chiquitita by ABBA in 204.

And then there are the songs I'd never heard before, that I fell in love with which are honestly too many to number.

What about you?

Are there songs that you wished you could forever disassociate with QAF?
Are there favorite songs that made you go, OMGYAY _____ is playing! when you heard them on the show?
Are there new songs or artists that you fell in love with as a result of queer as folk?
Are there songs from QAF that now annoy your friends and family as ringtones or answertones?

Just curious. :D
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