Queer as Folk COFFEECLUB - August 16th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Queer As Folk Coffee Club

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August 16th, 2008

A quick hair!porn referral and request [Aug. 16th, 2008|04:56 pm]


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Since I know a lot of the folks here have a particular love for Justin's hair, Brian's love for it, and hair!porn that derives therefrom, and I also know that many of you don't venture to LJ unless you have to, I thought I should point out that you might want to wander over there for this little fic I just read that made me think of you:

"Because" by nyrak20Karyn


And of course, feel free to use this opportunity to extol the virtues of Justin's hair and/or other fics that take good advantage of it.

ETA: I am absolutely horrified to find (and ashamed to admit) that I don't have any good icons showing Justin's long hair except this one. And while that is probably because my personal preference is that I find him much more attractive when it's a bit shorter, it is a sin of omission not to have any icons to represent the important, if fairly brief, occurrence that was his long hair. So please include your favorites in your comments.
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