Queer as Folk COFFEECLUB - August 21st, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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August 21st, 2007

Brian's Ugliest Trick [Aug. 21st, 2007|08:24 pm]


[Current Mood | giggly]

I'm sure you all read my beloved [info]xie_xie_xie's new fic: THE BEST. Ever since our phone sex conversation that inspired the fic, ugly tricks of Brian's keep popping into my head. It's very disturbing.

Aside from Justin, I believe Brian is a lame judge of what's hot. (Please see Adam Lyons from 121 as an example. Brian describes him as the hottest guy he's had in days. *gags*)

Poll #281 Sooooooooo NOT hot!
Open to: All, results viewable to: All

Mirror Mirror on Brian's wall, which of these tricks is ugliest of them all?

View Answers

Mr. Goodfuck (George) - even though he's really nice to Justin.
7 (14.0%)

Zucchini Man
5 (10.0%)

Rev. Buttfuck
6 (12.0%)

Gym Trainer from 110
2 (4.0%)

104 Orderly
3 (6.0%)

Ramone (season 4)
2 (4.0%)

Adam Lyons
5 (10.0%)

Mr. 11 o'clock
6 (12.0%)

Mr. Bicycle from the Liberty Ride that Brian tries to impress. gags
3 (6.0%)

310 good cop/bad cop trick
2 (4.0%)

All of the above because they're NOT JUSTIN
38 (76.0%)

If you have others you'd like to add in the comments, have at it...let's purge Brian of teh ugly.
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