Queer as Folk COFFEECLUB - May 24th, 2006 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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May 24th, 2006

Tears, Jerked and Otherwise [May. 24th, 2006|10:57 pm]


[Current Location |San Francisco]
[Current Mood |weepy!]
[Current Music |Marianne Faithful, As Tears Go By]

Original poster: xie_xie_xie

I was discussing with [info]jane2005 that I'm seriously considering not going beyond episode 510, because it's so wonderful and I'm really worried about the next three episodes. *is in denial*

I told her that I'm a fragile flower, and it's true. I am. And evidence of that is that this episode made me cry THREE TIMES. The first was when Brian was sitting in his car watching Justin on the street. *dies*

The second was in the chapel at the hospital when Brian is holding Deb's hand while she prays.

And the third, the end when Brian tells Justin , "I was so fucking scared... all I could think was, 'Please, don't let anything happen to him'." And then "I love you. I love you. I love you." *dies again only this time it's real*

Have you cried in any QAF episodes, I mean truly cried, not just misted over? If so, what episodes, what scenes?

And also, have you cried when reading a fanfic? If so, which one(s) made you weep? Remember, real tears only, not just a sad feeling where you wanted to crawl into the TV or computer and wrap somebody up in your arms and make it all better. Wet stuff coming out of the eyes, snotty nose.

I have to review my fanfic bookmarks to see where else I might have shed a tear (and I know there have been a few), but one I remember for certain is "Taken" by Ethan.

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