Queer as Folk COFFEECLUB - May 3rd, 2006 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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May 3rd, 2006

Components of a successful B/J relationship [May. 3rd, 2006|10:57 am]


[Current Mood | contemplative]

Original poster: besame_bj

At the end of S3 and somewhat into S4, we see Brian and Justin in a successful relationship although even then, there are things I don't understand, like why they didn't live together. But unlike the excellent fanfic I've read, like [info]jane2005's story Negation, we don't really get many clues as to what makes the relationship work. We know Justin told Brian "I understand what it is you want of me. And I know what I can expect from you." We know Brian missed Justin when he was with Ethan, that he went on loving him and showing that in his actions, that he did not like Ian, at all, that he finally succeeded in stopping Justin from leaving (in 308). Other than that, I'm not sure. So, my question is, what are the components of a successful B/J relationship? What has to happen? Who needs to do what? Does Brian have to do more talking, express his feelings even if he doesn't say "I love you"? Does Justin have to talk less? Does Justin have to stop being so impulsive? Stop leaving? Grow up more? Does Brian need to stop tricking/stop tricking as much? Does Justin need a job, more money, before he can live with Brian again? Do they have to be on a somewhat equal footing or is that ever possible in any relationship? Is a tragedy the only means of bringing them together within a relatively short timeframe? You get the drift. :-) And did any of this happen in S3 or even S4? (I haven't seen S5, but from what I know, it doesn't seem very helpful on the subject because I'm not sure the characters in S5 were Brian and Justin. And that extends, probably, to late S4.)

What's your opinion? How would you write them coming together as a couple?

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Fanfiction Constructs [May. 3rd, 2006|09:58 pm]



Original poster: roffle_katy

Hey everyone!

I'm not much of an LJ-er, so forgive me if this has already been discussed, but I thought it might be interesting to identify the fanfiction constructs in the QAF fandom. I'm referring to situations, characteristics, -isms, and etc. that have been propagated by fanfiction (good, bad and "bad") but do not seem to occur in the actual show.

Now, I may have only one story to my name because I'm really not a writer by nature, but I've read more fanfic than even *I* can believe. I'll start with the few that I can think of:

- Everyone at Babylon staring at Brian/Justin when they dance -- to me, it seems like they're all minding their own business. Yes, the crowd appears to part, but that's because they're filming...

- Everyone in the backroom staring at Brian and Justin -- again, people seem to be too busy with their own pleasures.

- "Auntie Em"

- Daphne in med-school --> I'm actually really not sure about this one, I can't remember if it was ever brought up in the show.

... and my mind clearly isn't working that well right now, because that's all I can think of. I know there are more. Can anyone identify some others? Discuss! :)

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