Queer As Folk Writing Challenges, with a B/J focus - February 21st, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Queer As Folk Writing Challenges, with a B/J focus

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February 21st, 2007

I'LL TELL YOU WHEN I'M UPSET [Feb. 21st, 2007|09:32 am]



Original poster: _alicesprings

Title: I'll Tell You When I'm Upset...
Written By: [info]sxysadie21
Timeline: Post Season 5
Rating: PG-13, I suppose. There are a few choice words. Not much.
Warnings: Character Death. Sadness possible. Nothing in depth. Main character.
Summary: Justin tries to get Brian to show his emotions. Good luck, Sunshine!
Author's Notes: There could be more, possibly. It ended abruptly. But this is where the muses gave up. Also, thanks to [info]bestmixtape and [info]sita_moonlight for the help!

I'll Tell You When I'm Upset... )

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ONE MORE FIC POSTED. [Feb. 21st, 2007|09:37 am]



Original poster: _alicesprings

I must offer 1000 apologies to one of our writers as I forgot to post her fic!

I really am sorry, I have no idea how it slipped past me other than the fact that a million things all come in on deadline day and it's hard to keep track.

I'm sorry!

Also, the html has been fixed on Learning to Breathe, so if anyone wants to take another look at that, it won't be all italicised anymore.

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[ viewing | February 21st, 2007 ]
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