Queer As Folk Writing Challenges, with a B/J focus - February 20th, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Queer As Folk Writing Challenges, with a B/J focus

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February 20th, 2007

H/C FICS ARE DUE TODAY! [Feb. 20th, 2007|09:35 am]



Original poster: _alicesprings

And will be posted anonymously, in random order.

They'll stay anonymous for 5 days and then the authors will be revealed!

Fic must be beta'd for correct spelling and punctuation. While I won't return your fic to you for a typo or 2, I will return it if it has obviously not been proofread.

When your fic is finished, please email me and attach it as a document.

You must add any html coding that is needed. If you don't know how, ask your beta to add it in. I will NOT be adding it in.

If you need a beta, see this post.

If you would like to offer to beta, please add your details to that post. If you want your name taken off the beta list, also let me know.

Please copy and paste the following header at the start of your fic with all the relevant information filled out, and html code added.

Written By: your LJ username
Warnings: If needed. This includes character death.
Summary: Optional
Author's Notes: Please be brief. You can thank your beta here. Also add if it is a w.i.p.

See the user info page for the list of rules.

Any questions, or to submit your fic, or if you will be unable to finish, please email me at


Thanks very much to all!

Also, please add an lj cut with the name of your fic

Fic Name )

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UNPREPARED [Feb. 20th, 2007|07:25 pm]



Original poster: _alicesprings

Title: Unprepared
Written By: [info]cindybaby
Timeline: Several years after 513.
Rating: NC-17
Warning: Mention of OMC briefly.
Summary: Sometimes someone gets hurt.

Unprepared )

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SPACE [Feb. 20th, 2007|07:26 pm]



Original poster: _alicesprings

Title: Space
Written By: [info]starryskies
Timeline: Season 4
Rating:. PG-13
Summary: Brian Kinney didn’t care about anyone but himself. So this clearly wasn’t happening. He wasn’t standing in front of his window, worrying about some blond twink.

Space )

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PINK PAIN [Feb. 20th, 2007|07:27 pm]



Original poster: _alicesprings

Title: Pink Pain
Written By: [info]oasis6028
Timeline: Somewhere around 404 but before the incident with Chris Hobbs
Rating: NC17
Summary: Justin is beaten up while out on Pink Posse patrol.
Author's Notes: I always thought the Pink Posse episodes never really dealt with the implications of what Cody and Justin were doing, so this does. Thanks to Arwensong and Sabina for the great betas.

Pink Pain )

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LEARNING TO BREATHE [Feb. 20th, 2007|07:27 pm]



Original poster: _alicesprings

Title: Learning to Breathe
Written by: [info]crazy4qaf
Timeline: Future
Rating: R/NC-17
Warnings: schmoop, OFC
Summary: Justin's little sister Molly isn't so little anymore and along with her years come much bigger problems. But will everyone handle the coming changes like they're supposed to?

Learning To Breathe )

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THIS ISN'T ABSOLUTION [Feb. 20th, 2007|07:29 pm]



Original poster: _alicesprings

Title: This Isn’t Absolution
Written By: [info]altsunthinkable
Timeline: 4 years post-513
Rating: NC-17

This Isn’t Absolution )

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HUMAN BEHAVIOUR [Feb. 20th, 2007|07:31 pm]



Original poster: _alicesprings

Title: Human Behaviour
Written By: [info]0corona0
Timeline: 115
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: violence
Summary: What happens after Melanie walked out with Gus in 115 and left Brian alone with Justin? Find out…
Author's Notes: Thank you, [info]malli_.

What would you have wanted him to do? )

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ALL MY LITTLE WORDS [Feb. 20th, 2007|07:31 pm]



Original poster: _alicesprings

Title: All My Little Words
Written By: [info]ellyrianna
Timeline: Post 513
Rating: R
Summary: Michael finally starts to wise up.
Author's Notes: I fear if I thank my actual beta, the point of this being anonymous will be moot. We'll just say she's fabulous and leave it at that.

All My Little Words )

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THE THAW [Feb. 20th, 2007|07:32 pm]



Original poster: _alicesprings

Title: The Thaw
Written By: [info]xie_xie_xie
Timeline: Post-513
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Justin gets really cold. OH THE ANGST.
Author’s Notes: Thank you to my beta who deigned to do her magic on this utterly insignificant bit of fluffy pornage. I mean deep and angst-filled story of the love.

The Thaw )

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THE LAYING ON OF HANDS [Feb. 20th, 2007|07:32 pm]



Original poster: _alicesprings

Title: The Laying On Of Hands
Written By: [info]so_wildish
Timeline: Episode 309
Rating: R
Summary: Sometimes things happen that you don’t expect and sometimes someone you don’t expect is there to protect you.
Author's Notes: In episode 309, Ted shoves Emmett. What if Brian had been there? This is how I imagined it would have gone. Candy and flowers and all that jazz go to my beta, whom I adore.

The Laying On Of Hands )

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COMING HOME [Feb. 20th, 2007|07:32 pm]



Original poster: _alicesprings

Title: Coming Home
Written By: [info]puddle_jumper2
Timeline: Post ep. 121, AU Season 2
Rating: R
Warnings: Angst, h/c
Summary: “That’s not love, that’s hate and I won’t see Justin raised that way; not anymore…”
Author's Notes: This is AU from 121… Justin awoke with amnesia and doesn’t remember more than just the prom. In fact, he doesn’t remember that his father hates him or that his parents were in the process of divorcing. Brian gave up New York and remained at Justin’s side the entire time he was healing and in physical therapy…
This is written for the H/C challenge. Thanks to my wonderful beta, Vince, who isn’t on LJ (I hope that’s okay) but writes for other fandoms and betas for many readers.

Coming Home )

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BEHIND THE HATRED THERE LIES [Feb. 20th, 2007|07:34 pm]



Original poster: _alicesprings

Title: Behind the Hatred There Lies
Written By: [info]moon__river
Timeline: post S4
Rating: R
Warnings: minor character death
Summary: Joan Kinney dies on a Tuesday afternoon, drops over dead in the supermarket, one hand clutching her chest and the other reaching for paper towels.
Author's Note: Unbeta'd, my first attempt at H/C. The title comes from the Smiths song "The Boy With The Thorn In His Side." Hope you enjoy!

Behind the Hatred There Lies )

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THE SHADOWS OF HIS PAST [Feb. 20th, 2007|07:35 pm]



Original poster: _alicesprings

Title: The Shadows of His Past
Written By: [info]gaeln
Timeline: 6 years Post 513
Rating: NC17
Warnings: Minor character death
Summary: “And tomorrow comes, a warm, sweet day of letting go.”
Author's Notes: I’m not Catholic so if I’ve got it wrong, please let me know.
Thanks to [info]shadownyc for making what I write so much better & to [info]badbadpixie for making what I write so much prettier

The Shadows of His Past )

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IT WOULD TAKE A MIRACLE [Feb. 20th, 2007|07:36 pm]



Original poster: _alicesprings

Title: It Would Take A Miracle
Written By: [info]asm614
Timeline: Post-513, about a year or slightly less
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Angst
Summary: An introductory chapter of sorts, with future parts to come. Justin returns to Pittsburgh as Brian's life hovers in a precarious position.
Author's Notes: This has turned out to be a work in progress, so it is a finished segment, but not a finished story. Thanks to [info]shadownyc, [info]_kiden and [info]mclachlan, who provided feedback on its initial version.

It Would Take A Miracle )

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'TILL IT HAPPENS TO YOU [Feb. 20th, 2007|07:36 pm]



Original poster: _alicesprings

Title: 'Till It Happens To You.
Written By: [info]superren
Timeline: Pre-show, and after 513.
Rating: R
Warnings: Jumping around from time to time. Sentimentality. Divergence from the typical h/c story.
Summary: The really great thing about friends and family is that they'll let you cry into their shoulder and then take you out to get spectacularly drunk.

'Till It Happens To You )

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THIS TIME [Feb. 20th, 2007|07:37 pm]



Original poster: _alicesprings

Title: This Time
Written By: [info]suzvoy
Timeline: Set after 401. Could be considered AUish.
Rating: R, for language.
Warnings: Well, it's hurt/comfort, so there's some angst. Nothing too heavy.
Summary: Not again.
Author's Notes: Thank you to my wonderful beta!

This Time )

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PENGUINS IN THE CLOSET [Feb. 20th, 2007|07:37 pm]



Original poster: _alicesprings

Title: Penguins in the Closet
Written By: [info]slave_o_spike
Timeline: around 203 and 204
Summary: Brian watches over Justin as he sleeps and tries to answer an important question.
Rating: PG-13
Author's Notes: I would love to thank my wonderful beta, [info]shadownyc

Penguins in the Closet )

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WHO'S MY DADDY? [Feb. 20th, 2007|07:38 pm]



Original poster: _alicesprings

Title: Who’s My Daddy?
Written By: [info]fansee and [info]chering
Timeline: Anytime after 308
Rating: PG (bad language)

Who’s My Daddy? )

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THE MARK [Feb. 20th, 2007|07:38 pm]



Original poster: _alicesprings

Title: The Mark
Written By: [info]tigbit
Timeline: S4 - An alternative look at the cancer arc
Rating: R for language
Warnings: Angst.
Author’s Notes: Thank you, my beta, for the beta. This is my first QaF fic, so judge as you will. :D

The Mark )

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Original poster: _alicesprings

Title: Three Days in Our Bullshit Domestic Life
Written By: [info]sonofabiscuit77
Timeline: 5 Years after 509
Rating: R
Warnings: AU, Minor Character Death, Angst
Summary: AU five years after 509. What if the Babylon bomb had caused a lot more damage than in canon?
Author's Notes: Many many thanks again to my beta [info]bluebirdgirl for your suggestions and general grammar wizardry.

Three Days in Our Bullshit Domestic Life )

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PAIN MANAGEMENT, PART TWO [Feb. 20th, 2007|07:40 pm]



Original poster: _alicesprings

Title: Pain Management
Written By: [info]sfscarlet
Timeline: Post Series
Rating: R
Summary: Brian uses his time honored pain management techniques, but do they still work?
Author's Notes: Thank you to Jilla for the beta. Her feedback and commas are greatly appreciated. Any mistakes are mine. This is part 2 of the story.

Pain Management, Part Two )

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PAIN MANAGEMENT, PART ONE [Feb. 20th, 2007|07:40 pm]



Original poster: _alicesprings

Title: Pain Management
Written By: [info]sfscarlet
Timeline: Post Series
Rating: R
Summary: Brian uses his time honored pain management techniques, but do they still work?
Author's Notes: Thank you to Jilla for the beta. Her feedback and commas are greatly appreciated. Any mistakes are mine.

Pain Management, Part One )

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THIS TIME [Feb. 20th, 2007|07:47 pm]



Original poster: _alicesprings

Title: This Time
Written By: [info]vamphile
Timeline: 310
Rating: NC 17
Summary: Classicly Themed Hurt/Comfort

This Time )

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TO THOSE WHO DWELL IN REALMS OF DAY [Feb. 20th, 2007|07:48 pm]



Original poster: _alicesprings

Title: To Those Who Dwell in Realms of Day
Written By: [info]etharei
Timeline: post-513 (future)
Rating:. hard R
Summary: “Justin, Gus, fuck,” the words come out like prayers, both arms wrapping around the curled figure on the asphalt as you try not to choke on your own saliva and fervent panting. “Justin? Gus?”
Author's Notes: The title and all the quoted verses are from ‘Auguries of Innocence’ by William Blake. There’s also a small reference to J. M. Barrie’s ’Peter Pan’. Not beta’d, please forgive all the typographical and grammatical mistakes.

To Those Who Dwell in Realms of Day )

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FAULT [Feb. 20th, 2007|07:48 pm]



Original poster: _alicesprings

Title: Fault
Written By: [info]xie_xie_xie
Timeline: Two or three years post-513
Rating: NC-17
Warning: None
Summary: It wasn’t your fault.
Author’s Notes: Thank you to my beta

Fault )

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A NOCTURNE IN TWO VARIATIONS [Feb. 20th, 2007|07:48 pm]



Original poster: _alicesprings

Title: A Nocturne in Two Variations
Written by: [info]flashfly
Timeline: S1 after 110
Rating: R
Author’s Notes: Love and gratitude to [info]firehead30 who was thorough, brilliant in her suggestions, and wasn’t afraid to crack the whip.

A Nocturne in Two Variations )

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AND YOU'RE THE ONE VANISHING, PART TWO [Feb. 20th, 2007|08:20 pm]



Original poster: _alicesprings

Title: And You’re The One Vanishing
Written By: [info]jule1122
Timeline: Begins 3 years after 513. AU in which shortly after 513 Brian goes to San Francisco where he meets Justin
Rating: PG-13
Warning: AU Brian and Justin meet post 513, but all other canon events and characters remain the same
Summary: Love can bring great joy and great pain. Sometimes it’s easier to forget the pain.
Author’s Notes: Thank you to [info]zortrana for her wonderful beta work. Title taken from the Barenaked Ladies song "Vanishing".

And You’re The One Vanishing, Part Two )

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AND YOU'RE THE ONE VANSHING, PART ONE [Feb. 20th, 2007|08:20 pm]



Original poster: _alicesprings

Title: And You’re The One Vanishing
Written By: [info]jule1122
Timeline: Begins 3 years after 513. AU in which shortly after 513 Brian goes to San Francisco where he meets Justin
Rating: PG-13
Warning: AU Brian and Justin meet post 513, but all other canon events and characters remain the same
Summary: Love can bring great joy and great pain. Sometimes it’s easier to forget the pain.
Author’s Notes: Thank you to [info]zortrana for her wonderful beta work. Title taken from the Barenaked Ladies song "Vanishing".

And You’re The One Vanishing, Part One )

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HURT/COMFORT FICS POSTED! [Feb. 20th, 2007|08:23 pm]



Original poster: _alicesprings

All the Hurt/Comfort Challenge fics are now posted. There were 26 submitted in total!

Huge thanks to all the writers who took part.

Below the cut is the complete list of writers who took part to assist you in your guessing.

The writers will be revealed in 5 days. I ask that the writers do not respond to any comments on their fic, or cross post them until then.

The next challenge theme will then be revealed and writers asked to sign up.

Enjoy the fics!

List of Writers )

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