Brian/Justin IDEAS, PLOTS, REQUESTS - June 28th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Brian and Justin Bunnies: plots, vids, graphics

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June 28th, 2010

Fic Request [Jun. 28th, 2010|04:10 pm]


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[Current Mood | dirty]

Hi folks. I have a very serious fic request.

I know it's not Halloween, so let's pretend that Brian buys an antique chair and when he and Justin are fucking on it, they're transported back to Camelot.

Brian is Prince Arthur and Justin is Merlin.

Seriously though, don't care how you do it, just gimme a fic where Brian is/is dressed up as Prince Arthur and Justin is/is dressed up as Merlin.

Pretty please....with sugar on top.
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