Brian/Justin IDEAS, PLOTS, REQUESTS - September 21st, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Brian and Justin Bunnies: plots, vids, graphics

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September 21st, 2008

216 Birthday Gift--Better Outcome? [Sep. 21st, 2008|01:59 pm]
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[Current Mood | curious]

Ok, so I just watched 216, and although there is sad in there, one of my favorite moments is how excited Justin is that Brian got him a gift. Once the gift is unveiled that changes, so I was curious if there were any fics out there that showed maybe sometime in the future where Brian surprises Justin with a gift, but this time it ends happy?

I just love giddy!Justin and it'd be great if there was a positive outcome for him.

Thanks for any help! :)
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