September 3rd, 2008

[info]ferrellcat in [info]psychic_spirits

My latest dream

I had an interesting dream that I am focusing on today. I had it last night. First of all I'm dreaming about priests again. Again one young and one older. There is a pattern here so perhaps my initial interpretation needs some tweaking. I'll be putting priests on my dream symbols book as soon as I figure it out.

In the dream I was in some play park when a young priest and his twin brother approached me to see if I was interested in meeting a long lost family member from Ralph's side. I decided to go ahead and we went to this little 2 room house next door and there is an older priest (very much the same as the priest from my first dream but not in as good health physically). He said he was related to Ralph's side of the family through marriage from Mary (our grandmother). I had to help him move around but he was happy to see me. I did mention I'm not close to Ralph or that side of the family but he didn't seem to mind. I got the impression he hadn't had contact with the family either in a countless amount of years.

Now the dream is either a release dream, a wish dream, an astral travel, a prophetic dream, or a problem solving dream. I think I can rule out a wish dream (I mean come on, it's Ralph's family) a prophetic dream because I don't think I'll actually meet this man in this life, and I can't think of what information or problem I was wanting to solve except the first dream. Which leads me to rethink the first dream a little because if I keep dreaming the same "priest symbol" in different context than maybe I didn't get the message or whole message the first time. (when your sub brain thinks you haven't gotten the message or your guide thinks you haven't gotten it right you will have recurring dream symbols until the message becomes clear). I'm not going to ask Leon because I want to see if I can figure out the puzzle, I'm having too much fun figuring out my dreams to ask for hints. :) I'm going to rule out a release dream because usually it involves overcoming a fear or just a release of the days activities. Because of the sequence of the dream I'm going to rule it as astral travel which is fascinating. I wanted to dream and remember last night to have a dream to analyze and I think Leon is helping me do that. I can tell I have it classified right but why travel to meet a priest who was relative? Was he really a relative or is that part of the symbolism?

Needs further thought....

[info]ferrellcat in [info]psychic_spirits

My last dream

I think I have it narrowed down to a release dream after all. My relationship (or lack of) with my father has been bothering me all summer and I'm finally "releasing" all guilt of it. That's why the priest was "related" to my father's side of the family and it was a priest because of this was connected to my spiritual growth as that has been the focus for me lately which is why I recently underwent Confirmation. Now, if my interpretation is still incorrect I will keep having dreams with these same symbols until I get it right. Let me tell you how much fun Leon was having playing spiritual charades with me over this silly dream but when I got close to cracking it he quit on me because he wants me to find out all by my lonely. Secretly, I think he just likes communicating to me with dream "puzzles" to drive me crazy...